Gonna be a "star"

LuvRaptor's avatar
Someone on this board is going to be in the Sandusky Register this Saturday.
Hint: this person has over 560 posts, can RUN Raptor (right Jeff S? :)) has license plates that say "CU AT CP", and she just LUVS Raptor.
Bet you wont need to use a life line to guess the answer! :)

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Right Jo..Congrats!!..looking forward to seeing the article..I better be one of the 1st to be notified..:)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
LuvRaptor's avatar
How'd ya guess it was me Jeff? ;)
It is definitely going to be in this Saturdays Register, and online to my understanding. How big the story, or which picture, I have no clue.
I would appreciate any extra copies of the paper since I wont be in Sandusky till Sunday (hint hint!) Autographs will be offered to my closest of CP friends (lol) :)

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I'll grab a copy or two sat eve when I get there..

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Grab me a copy too. Will you have the honors of being on the front page?

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
LuvRaptor's avatar
No I won't be on the front page silly. And considering some of the pics that were taken I would freak it was on the front page! I do not think I am the only CP freak they are doing stories on-I dont get an "exclusive"-I'm not that special....
(Unlike yours Dan which WAS an exclusive :))

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!

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