Amusement Today's website has posted the recipients of this years Golden Ticket winners!!
Once again, Cedar Point has snatched the best park award and Magnum continues to reign in as the top steel coaster with Millennium Force coming in second!!
Other CP rankings:
Raptor #5 & Mantis #24 in steel coaster category.
Mean Streak: #16 in the wooden coaster category.
#1 best capacity park (fastest-moving lines)
Check out the website!
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
*** This post was edited by Seven-of-9 on 8/3/2000. ***
How in the world did Millenium Force get 2nd!!!??? Millenium Force is like 100 times better then Magnum XL-200 (in my opinion) I would like to see #1 MF #2 Magnum #3 Raptor that would be sweet! How did raptor drop? it is just as goos as it ever was.
Millenium Force may be second for a couple of reasons:
1. More people have ridden Magnum -- it is 10 years old, after all!
2. MF might be *too* high -- I do know some people that love coasters that won't go on it, just because it's a bit too much.
I don't think so, but those might be reasons! *Grin*
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Who does the voting, because personally, I dont see how they ranked MeanStreak higher than the Villian?
Hey if you want to find out about "who does the voting" read the Golden Ticket--editorial at the page seven of nine has in his post above. The Golden Ticket Program has the most unbiased system of voting around.
If you read the editorial you'll learn that MF's second place finish is considered quite impressive for a new ride. Also, in the Steel category, Magnum was 1, MF 2 and Raptor #5. Pretty impressive for one park to be home to three of the top 5.
I have to take the minority side and say while it's close...VERY close. I'd probably still give the nod to Magnum over MF. One thing keeps it close...MF's lift, and I mean that in a bad way. The fast lift while practical for capacity reasons, just doesn't offer me the same thrill as slowly climbing a hill, nerves getting more and more frayed, anticipating what lies ahead. This is what Magnum has that makes me say it is slightly (very slightly) more enjoyable than MF. You don't even get a chance to think about it on MF. You're out of the station, you're over the lift and into the overbanked turn before you know what's hit you. Not that that's a bad thing either, I just prefer the mind games.
Just my opinion, your milage may vary.
AHHH HAAAA!!!!! Do you guys remember way back last winter that I predicted Magnum would remain #1 w/ MF a close second? The only thing I didn't predict was that Magnum would have even stronger numbers this year! Long may Magnum LIVE!!!!
"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
To add to my last now can't deny that Magnum is still the signature ride, and the crown jewl of CP.
(footnote) Please don't get me wrong, I am NOT bashing MF, but when my favorite coaster continues show it's magic, I get a little excited.
"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
Five Coasters from one park on the list! Isn't that a record?
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Do you guys like to talk to your favirote rollercoasters?? ;)
Raptor '00 Count:63
sure, why not?? we have nicknames for some of them too, you know...Maggie, Millie, TCFKAB, etc... besides, it's better than taliking to yourself!!:)
ride early, ride often!!!