I was just wondering if you all could give me an idea of what to ride at what times of the day. I really don't get to go to the point often. Infact this is my first time going in 9, yes 9, years and i want to make the best of my trip. We will get there at about 4:00 PM to check into Breakers and then do the Starlight ticket. Now sense we get ERT, what time should i start to wait in line at the gate? Also, what coasters are best to ride in the morning and at night to avoid the long lines? Thank you all because I truely need some serious help!
Duane Cahill
The only thing other than CP that Steelers and Browns fans agree on
If Dragster is testing and ready to go, go there. You should easily get 3 rides in before the line builds. After that head to the back of the park and get your fill of the rides back there. The back is fairly empty untill about 1 or 2 pm. Be at MF around 11 am to get a Freeway Stamp.
If the park is busy, Mantis gets nasty lines. About an hour wait, a slow moving hour wait. Raptor can also have a long line, so you may want to think about a Freeway Stamp for it also.
Cory Marshall
2004.......TTD-2(Both in front seat which was awesome)......Raptor.....5.........Millennium.......3
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