GOCC and Coaster Mania HELP!

Could someone please help me out who would know and is familiar with the Great Ohio Coaster Club. In late Fall of 2001 I sent in a application and payment for a one year membership to GOCC for the sole purpose of being able to purchase Coaster Mania tickets this up comming year. This is the first time I have ever joined any coaster club. Since I sent in my application, I have recieved 3 issues of the "Streak" newsletter, BUT NO MEMBERSHIP CARD!?!? I have emailed the membership director with my name and problem twice now, but with no response. I also looked at the Birthday section of the March-April 2002 "Streak" to see if my name would appear on it for March 5th, but was not, leading me to believe that my membership may have gotton misfiled. I joined GOCC instead of that other, larger coaster club (which will remain namless) because I have heard alot of good things about it (and bad about the other, nameless club) and don't want to switch to the other club just to get into Coaster Mania. I know the membership card is required for purchase of Coaster Mania tickets. If there is anyone out there who knows the directors, ect. of GOCC, or may have any info or advice on what to do about this, please help me out. I don't want to miss Coaster Mania '02.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
1st off check to see if they cashed your check..2nd thing her name is Rosemarie Kusold and can be contacted at the following email


If that don't work then email Brian Derbin or even president John Blakemore or VP Ed Learner..Someone on here should be able to get you their address or visit their webpage..

The best suggestion is to Join Jeff's Coasterbuzz club and support where you surf dude! You CBC card will get you into Costermania as well as many other events..


Good luck Guy!

Fear the Mullet!*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 3/30/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 3/30/2002. ***

LuvRaptor's avatar
GOCC's website is: http://gocc.coasternewsnetwork.com

I will be more than happy to assist you. I need for you to email me (LuvCedarPoint@aol.com)your name and I can contact GOCC and inquire about your membership card. I did the same thing for another GTTP member a few months ago and he got his membership card shortly there after.

I've been a member of GOCC since 1999. I dropped ACE due to $50.00 just too pricey. I'm not an enthusiast, just a CP/Raptor freak so all the "hoopla" that comes with ACE was a waste for me.

So please email me your name and I'll get ahold of my connections and see what I can do for you!
Welcome to the family! :)

BTW-I'm running for VP of GOCC don't forget to vote for me!!! ;)

2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)

Thanks Jo. I will send the email to you. I too am not a coaster enthusiast, but a Cedar Point only freak, which is another reason why I joined GOCC and not ACE. As for Coaster Buzz, I rarely ever browse that site just because I could care less about whats going on outside of CP, therefore did not join it's club. If Jeff did the same thing for us here at GTTP, I would join that.
P.S. It was outstanding for a while, but they did cash my check.

*** This post was edited by Vince79 on 3/31/2002. ***

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Jo get them do make my freakin address change too while your at it!! I've been strugling to get them to do that for me as well as fix my email address!

I'll forward you the email to take care of it for me..RoseMarie is not too responsive!


Fear the Mullet!

I missed this conversation when it started, but to put in my two cents worth....I know what your talking about with your membership card, I joined last year in August and the same thing happened to me. But thanks to Raptor Jo I now have one, so dont worry you should be getting one soon.

By the way Thanks again Jo !

One of us....one of us....
Raptor Crew 01
Blue Streak Crew 00
Wildcat Crew 99

LuvRaptor's avatar
No problem Adam! You're very welcome!! :)
BTW-it was you I was referring to in my original reply!

Are any GOCC'ers attending the meeting on the 14th? I'll be there-planning on bringing a Raptor cake! Yummy! :)

2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Next VP of GOCC?? Maybe! ;)
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)

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