Glasses on Coasters

crazy horse's avatar

What's the point of riding a coaster, if you can't see anything?

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I don't wear regular eyeglasses, but do wear sunglasses to help keep the migraines away on the long sunny days. I use one of the stretchy athletic strap retainers you can buy in the shops for 2 bucks just so I can wear them on all the rides. Never had any problem with shoulder restraints or anything while wearing them. Not to mention I don't have to replace 2 or 3 pairs a summer after they get smashed in the cargo pocket of my shorts.

I've traditionally taken my glasses off on roller coasters since I was a child. I lost my glasses on Tidal Wave at SFGAm when I was small, and had to wait about three weeks to get a new pair made :(

In any case, FINALLY i'm ready to start wearing my glasses on coasters again. Does anybody have any straps they can reccommend, or where to get them? I'd order one online, but I'm headed to CP in two days and would love to know if there is a suitable strap at Target or Walgreens.


LuvRaptor's avatar

mulletman13 said:
Does anybody have any straps they can reccommend, or where to get them?

WalMart-in the sunglasses section. You can get the rope kind or the stretchy tighter around your head kind for less than $2.00 I believe. Wait till you get to CP to buy one I think they run like $15.99 ;)
(they DO say Cedar Point on them!)

Lifetime Raptor flights: 2031 :)

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

The plain stretchy ones that say Cedar Point on them run $1.99 in most of the gift shops.

e x i t english's avatar

LuvRaptor said:

WalMart-in the sunglasses section. You can get the rope kind or the stretchy tighter around your head kind for less than $2.00 I believe.

Simple problem with that, though. That requires going in to Wal Mart. Something I try to avoid at all costs.

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