GK on Travel Channel

vwhoward's avatar

Haven't seen this posted yet. Pretty good segment on GK on this show. Just saw it...pretty cool stuff. Also other rides and things.


Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

I saw this as well and really enjoyed it. Hope they are airing more of these type of shows in the future.

This show was fantastic, have it recorded on the DVR. The S&S tower concept that will be in a park by 2015, is something I could see Cedar Point getting.

Has anyone here attended the IAAPA event?

Last edited by Renegade,

^I found that interesting how S&S came out and said one of those will be opening in 2015. Granted it could be anywhere in the world, but I really could see CP getting one...

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Jeff's avatar

I shot some video for that show. Sadly, may never see it since I don't have cable. :)

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

That levitating coaster idea that requires the superconductor be kept at -300 degrees is the perfect match for Cedar Point and Winter operations!

Soak City could be a great luge track location as well!

...And it could be named Avalanche Run!

Bret's avatar

My initial thought when watching the part about the levitating superconductor coaster was "And we think Intamins go down too frequently!"

Gatekeeper2013's avatar

Also after watching the levitating coasters I watched the water one. For those that haven't watched it it shows what is new in water technology and its main feature was a giant water obstacle course. I would love to see one of these installed a soak city.

On anther note, was it the 3 minute video on levitating coasters that this link was meant for, I did not see any Gatekeeper on it so the title sort of confused me. Can somebody please clarify?

Bret's avatar

No, there was a nice spot on GateKeeper early on in the show. It was shot before the testing started, but it showed some of the construction, the animations, and some of Jeff's video (I assume) from the trip to the steel fabricating plant.

The levitating coaster idea was my least favorite part. Not that it wasn't cool, but I much preferred the stuff on Outlaw Run, the future rides (water play area/slides, Tower concepts), and of course GateKeeper. The things in the industry that are a little closer to being potential game changers.

Last edited by Renegade,
vwhoward's avatar

It really made me want to ride Outlaw Run. It looks like a short ride but it looks like a lot of fun. A woodie that goes upside down and a train with only lap bars.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

And no friggin' rose bowl!

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

vwhoward's avatar

Didn't want to start a new thread...saw a commercial on Travel Channel for a new Insane Coaster Wars. Maverick was in it. It's on Sunday, June 9th.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

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