I have often wondered what happens to the contents of the Pagoda Gift Shop, and other shops at Cedar Point in the Winter time. Are the candles still waiting to be dipped? Are the little teacups still in the China Shop on the Trail? What happens to the Knots Berry Farms preserves? Do they stash them away to prevent freezing, or do they heat the building? Is everything cleaned out of all the shops and sent to a warehouse somewhere, and reallocated in the Spring? I've always wondered what I'd find at the shops on a stroll down the Midway or the Frontier Trail in January. Enquiring minds want to know.
I would imagine the food products are moved out (by health department standards). Certainly, I don't want to buy a jar of Knott's jelly that was left over from last year!!
By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000