Giant Wheel

anyone got any thoughts on the new location?

I just whanna say I'm glad they moved it. Ever since they put the lazer screen in front of it, walking down the Iron Dragon midway wasn't the same. I'm still upset Funway Station is covered up.

So what kind of view while riding it will we see now?
I like the new area for the wheel. Its in a great spot and it doesn't come as close to DT as most people think it does. The area around it is wide open and I think after a few years with some new attractions and developments it will be a great spot in the park to relax and take a break.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
I mis its old location cause you could see down the girls shirts when it stoped at top with them eating, :0) I think it will be very relaxing there though w/ nothing around.
Jeff's avatar
Having driven past it in that location (it's a little weird to say that), I have to say that I really dig it there. What a great change to an otherwise dead area of the park.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Great new view but there is still no way i'll ever step foot on a ferris wheel!

magnum of MF now that is a real question.
Jeff's avatar
But you'll miss the view of the Disaster Transport roof! ;)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I think the view spices up the area.
I am surprised that no one noticed this...

Do you think it was coincidence they put it right next to Kiddy Kingdom?
Jeff's avatar
What an amazing coincidence!

No really, why is that a coincidence?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I think its coincidence because whenever I saw the Giant Wheel, there wernt that many riders, if you place it next to where alot of little kids are, that will entice parents to take their kids on it, its a better location if you think about it that way.

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
The only problem is (I thought anyway) that they took out Kiddie Kingdom, or at least the Ropes area. Ah well.


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