Giant Wheel

Ok, for those of you who have been to the park this past weekend (lucky-ducks!!) What are your thought on the new home of Giant Wheel?

The Dawn of the Millennium is upon us!!
Everyone, grab your season passes
and repent!!
The Giant Wheel looked like it really belongs in its new home. The view is spectacular, both of the lake and the park. The biggest difference is the amount of wind when you are stopped on the top. Made you think twice about hoping everything was tightened up when it was reassembled.

Is the new paint job the same colors as the old or did they change? Did they put in a new lighting plan or keep the old one?
Jeff's avatar
It is home. I don't remember the lighting well enough, but I think the pattern didn't go to the edge last year, as it does now.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
It couldn't be in a better spot.

Brandon Sorc
The new home for the Giant Wheel is fantastic. It was nice to see such a classic ride look brand-spanking new with its fresh paint job. The view in all directions is great. The seating areas facing out towards the beach on the back side of the ride were also a nice touch (though the new fencing does detract somewhat from the pleasant view--even though the new fencing is considerably more attractive than what had been there before).

To answer your question, Tim, I believe the paint colors remained the same, but, not having seen it at night, cannot comment about the lights.


"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at fill in [name of park]."
Hopefully with a new home, maybe it will get more riders than in the past. The one thing that i can remember and that would always get to me is that every night there would always be numerous lights burned out on the ride and they only had it lit up on one side!!!

Er, the Giant Wheel only has a lighting package on one side. Or at least it only *had* a lighting package on one side; for all I know they could have added lights to the back side, but I kind of doubt it...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
*** This post was edited by RideMan on 5/9/2000. ***
It looked great.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 010
'00 M. Force Count:003
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
The water is where it always should have been!! Looks great and at home..Gives a different view from across the bay at night too!! We ate at Damons the night before and wow did it look great from there!!

Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
MSU National Champs 2000
The official site posted some new construstion photos, one of which is the "new" Giant Wheel at night.


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