Yea well the person who said they will send me one 4 weeks ago was lying.They told me I would get it intime for coastermania and I call them up again today and there like im sorry we dont have you down for one!Will some1 give me one tomarrow at coastermania I will be with 3 other kids and will be wearing a rocket amusement park ae shirt and ae jeans with a cp hat.I am white and have brown hair.
Greg -
You might want to take a dash over to the Breakers. Go to the front desk and tell them that you left yours at home, and when you called the front desk, they said you could pick one up there.
At that point, they'll likely assume that you meant that you called from your room and they'll give you one. They generally keep some back there for guests. I've gotten them twice at the front desk (of course, I really WAS staying at the Breakers).
Just a suggestion if all else fails...
Duane Cahill
Hey guys, I'm back!
Hey, if you wanna use the coupon to get a pass for $30, just use a Pepsi or Dew can. They have $26 tix in May and $29 tix in June.
Let's Go Pens!