I was at Cedar point yesterday and I went to get in line for mean streak. In line I noticed several blue train cars from gemini sitting off to the side. I also noticed some yellow and purple cars that I'm guessing were old corkscrew cars but does anyone know why those gemini cars are there?
There used to be 3 trains per side on Gemini. A few years ago (2003?), they stopped running 3 trains and went to 2. The trains by Mean Streak are the extra set of trains.
Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004
The yellow and purple Arrow trains that you saw are from Double Loop (Geauga Lake). I believe they're being used for spare parts for Corkscrew, although I'm not 100% sure
Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.
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