Gemini Thought

Think for a second,

If when CP built Gemini, if they made it an all wood coaster, do you think that it would still be as popular? (esp. if it was rough), if you guys have anyother questions bout if they made it all wood post em.!

I am the drummer and yes the Medina Drumline DOES prefer the rhythm method

I hate it when they don't race mean streak.
Magnum Count: 2166

It could depend. Maybe it would, or maybe it wouldn't. I'm not really sure.
From what I understand, most older wooden racing coasters can't race anymore.  I think one of the best parts of Gemini is that it actually does race.  Also, it's so smooth, I wouldn't want it any other way!!


Does anyone actually know why they didn't build it as a real woodie?

...That was Schwabinchen' awesome!!


I've never heard that most older wooden racers can't race anymore.  I know that most of them do - ex. Kennywood Racer, PKI Racer, etc...

They probably didn't build it as a woodie because they wanted Arrow to do it and Arrow does not make woodies.  Also, I'm not sure but 125 feet or whatever it is was a lot back then (record-breaking) and they may have thought that a woodie that tall would be too rough. 

Break the scream barrier in 2002!
Wicked twists: 0

*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 12/14/2001. ***

The Racer at PKI is a great example of an all-woodie racer that still races, unless the 12-year-olds who are running it don't sync them right but that's a different matter. They DO race and race quite well when they do. I don't know if being all wood would really make much of a difference on Gemini though. I kinda like the smoothness of the turns, makes for great hand smacking. It is a bit rougher nowadays on some of the drops, like the wheels aren't snug enough on the track or something, but I still love that ride. Only thing I think that's missing on it are a couple tunnels here or there when we're not close enough to snatch rings off each other's fingers.


Jeff's avatar

CP4LIFE said:
"Does anyone actually know why they didn't build it as a real woodie?"
Because they wanted to build a racing Arrow mine train, I suppose.

You can't get hung up on the structure material. CCI builds wood coasters with steel structure, Arrow built a lot of steel coasters with wood structure.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Thanks for your guys opinions!
I am the drummer and yes the Medina Drumline DOES prefer the rhythm method
If you could pick any high energy song (be it rap, techno, country or rock), what song do you all think would be the perfect one to set video footage of the Gemini to?  I eventually want to create a video of all the rides and set them to music, but I'm trying to fill in the gaps right now. 

As for Magnum, I've got opinions of "Smoothe Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm and "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC.

Snugglywuggly and all cute.

Teddybear said:
If you could pick any high energy song (be it rap, techno, country or rock), what song do you all think would be the perfect one to set video footage of the Gemini to? 

"Do Your Thing" - Basement Jaxx ;)  It's a fun techno revival of swing...

I don't know who sings it, but they say something about "Palasades Park", and you can hear people screaming on roller coasters in it. It's an older song...possibly by the Beach Boys? (I don't listen to this stuff, for real! My parents have this station playing in the car and at home all the time)! 



Wasn't there a thread about that already?

Tommy Penner -
"What is the Matrix?"

Isn't there a song called "Simply the best" by Tina Turner or something? Or maybe the "Thong Song" but that's because my mind is on something else right now...hmm...
Yes indeed that is a Tina Turner song, Gemini Hand! I jam to Tina on the way to and from Cedar Point everytime. It got so bad this year that my friend Kerri finally decided to drive, and she made me listen to the Backstreet Boys. But you know what they say about revenge....can't wait for Opening Day...


Christmas Wish List:
B/M Flyer For 2004...
B/M Flyer For 2004....

I've reached my verdict.  It's on my WinAmp playlist and has been there for probably a year now.  Ever hear "The Immortal" by Queen?  It was used for one of the Highlander movies.  Anyways, it refers being princes of the universe, born to be kings.  Nothing can be an equal, fighting and free.  This I believe has everything I'm looking for in describing Gemini.  The rock chords are unbeatable too.  It has an aged feel to the song as does the old favored coaster that once held a world record for being the tallest.  I hope you don't think ill of me for not chosing anything mentioned above.  I meant no offense.  Take care though.  Someday I may be able to show what I've come up with.  Who knows.
Snugglywuggly and all cute.
How about 'Heading Out To The Highway' by Judas  Priest?
*** This post was edited by Grue on 12/20/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by Grue on 12/20/2001. ***

Boy did this topic change...

*** This post was edited by Cyclist Don on 12/20/2001. ***

You're tellin' me, but it has stayed pretty interesting, i'd have to say the best song request was Tina Turner's "Simply The Best" .

thats my verdict

I am the drummer and yes the Medina Drumline DOES prefer the rhythm method.

2001 MF Count : 46
2001 Maggie Count : 84
2001 DT Count : 119
Total 2001 Food expenses : $5.00

Who are the ad-wizards that came up with this one??? 

What a terrible idea...
Live for FUN!

Don't let life fly by.

*** This post was edited by MagnumFAN on 12/20/2001. ***

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