Gemini problems

Hi..wednesday the Geminin had problems...the blue train got stuck on the last turn around...ive heard and read alot things about how Gemini rollsback alot and stuff...when they reopened..they only sat people in the first 3 or 4 cars..i know this was so for the trains to get up the hills. it was kinda freaky cause we saw the blue train stop on the turn..then we saw another blue train making its way to the top of the lift..that one stopped about 10 feet from the top..but Gemini is still a great ride
Yeahm I just remembered at Coastermania that they had the back car cut off, why did they do this?
ShiveringTim's avatar
Where exactly did the train stop on the final turnaround? Was it on the block/trim brakes before the turn? If so, I wouldn't worry too much as the trains are supposed to stop there if there's a problem. Same goes with the lift stoppage. Odds are there was a routine problem and the safety system shut the ride down in an expected manner.

Scott W. Short

The blue train wasn't running last night either...

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:40
I've noticed that on Gemini, the blue train has had alot of down time, most of the times though it was'nt the rides fault, like someone throwing up.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
well i went on it the 11th of june and was in the very back seat it was the blue car *** This post was edited by CP2000andBeyond on 6/16/2000. ***
The front cars are loaded to keep the weight distributed in the front of the train. Also, it keeps the ride ops from having to frequently buckle and unbuckle empty seats. The blue train has a lot of down time for the same reason. Gemini just doesn't have enough riders to keep the trains full and when this happens, we start eliminating seats and/or trains. Remember, at max. capacity Gemini can do over 3000 riders an hour. Finally, when there is a routine problem, the trains either stop on the lift, on the last turn, or in the brakes outside the station.
I saw the Gemini thing happen. Why did they shut the red one down too?

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