
When Gemini was made the second hill was too high. How did they make that Mistake and how did they correct it

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
They Cut the wood down 5 ft. I don't think It would roll back, I think it would stop at the top of the hill.
Jeff's avatar
It has rolled back several times this season, and apparently does every year. No corrections were made.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Yesterday I saw the blue train stuck on the break run just before the slow curve to the return run. Matinence actualy pushed the train so it would continue. It slooowly made it's way around the curve and down the hill to the bunny hops.

This all happend with people in the train AND the red train still running...kinda wild if ya ask me.

Also, it has rolled back at least twice (that I know of) on the second hill. Both times on windy rainy days, and both times it was the blue train.

Gemini will roll back because, like all of the Arrow coasters at Cedar Point (except for Mine Ride 1969-99), it has no anti-rollbacks on the course after the lift hill. --Dave Althoff, Jr.
Pete's avatar
The part of Gemini that was reprofiled is the second turnaround, after the third hill. Lowering it 5ft. is about right. You can see this when riding. The first half of the turn is flat, then the track starts a shallow downward incline. When the ride first opened, the entire turn had a slight downward incline. The turn was reprofiled after the first season I believe.

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