Geauga Lake Rocks!

"You have to keep your head out a little bit so you don't get banged around. I don't know what to think of this years new colors. I kind of miss that Teal and Red track. To me Thunderhawks colors should have been maybe light grey with the track color it is now."

Thats just like sayin "Put your head forword on CORKSCREW, it still bangs around.

Villain was way too rough. Thunderhawk was decent for what it is and X-Flight rocks. One ride I love however although not many other people agree with me is Head Spin. For some odd reason I love that Vekoma Boomerang.
*** Edited 9/24/2005 2:29:14 PM UTC by HDSPNNR***

Don't anger the Potato People.

Y'all ready for some serious sidewindin' in 2007?

Mean Streak 03

Those were the days.

I think that Thunderhawk is really smooth! But hey I would ride Raptor over it anyday.


Cory Marshall

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