
Some guy experianced 82 g's while running into a wall going 200 mph!!
Yeah, and if it is the guy that I am thinking about (won the Darwin Award a few years ago for cleansing the world of stupid people) he didn't survive.

I don't expect to see 82g's on a coaster or anything related any time soon. :-)

Okay, the big indoor coaster in West Edmonton mall pulls MORE THAN 6.5 G's! I know that for a fact! I've been on that coaster and I read in books and all sorts of other sources that it pulls over 6.5, and people survive it!!!

Didn't some guy go blind permanetly from experiance too many G's for too long a period of time. I think he was sitting on the fron of a trian that was jet fired.
"Meesa okee day"- Jar Jar Binks
Does that mean lotsa people scona die?"-Jar Jar Binks
He survived but he still stayed in the hospital for 3 months.

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