Future of On-Site Employee Dorms

Does anyone think/know if the employee dorms near the IMAX theater will ever be removed? Cedar Point could build new ones on the mainland to replace them. The removal of these dorms would create more space on the peninsula which would allow for park expansion. I know that Cedar Point does not have a space problem but expansions, whenever possible, are excellent ways of improving almost any amusement park by allowing for new attractions.
I think they can't be taken down becuase they are on the national register of historic places. I'm sure with a book of matches and a gallon of gas the problem would be solved.

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
Jeff's avatar
I'd just like to see them straighten out the damn road so those crazy maintenance people don't nearly drive me through the wall of the steam engine shop.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
just remember Jeff that those crazy maintance people might be on thier way to fix YOUR favorite ride!!!!
I am going to agree with Dan on this about the building being on the register.... I am going to see if I could find out for sure but because it used to be the hotel back in the early days of CP I think it has too stay! Although it is kind of fun down!

It would be nice to have something new built there!

Raptor DJ Marcus D (NOW Human Resource Office Clerk)
Visit me on the web at www.MARCUSD.com
I think they can't be taken down because they are on the national register of historic places.

Not necessarily true. There have been instances where a listed property has been demolished despite it having historic status although I'm not up to date with all the legalities surrounding such a designation. Remember what happened to the Kahiki in Columbus, OH this past summer!

Weemes: Yes, way back when, those dorms were a hotel. I think it originally opened as the White House or something like that, later remodeling and additions changed it to The Cedars. Does anybody know when it shut down as a hotel?
According to the Dan Haverlock unofficial Cedar Point Pocket Almanac;

1901: The White House hotel opened.

June 20, 1915: The former White House was remodeled and opened as the new Hotel Cedars

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
spiritofthepoint.com *** This post was edited by Dan on 12/1/2000. ***
I just checked the National Register of Historic Places' online database and the employee dorms are not listed on it. On the list which came up there was no listing of employee dorms, White House Hotel, Hotel Cedars, or anything even possibly resembling these names.

The database is located at: http://www.nr.nps.gov/
Actually Dan, the gas probably wouldn't even be necessary. A couple of matches and that place would go up like kindling.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
Commons is the only dorm I have been in, but Cedars looks pretty week.

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
On the historic register, don't you have to maintain some vestige of quality? Cedars is wretched - holes in the walls, bare bulbs, broken doors, etc. It would be nice to have some better dorms in its place, and for the girls' dorms over by the water tower for that matter as well. Sheesh!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
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I had to stay in the girls dorms over by the water tower this summer and let me tell you what a trash dump it was. Cedars which is the red guys dorm off of the main road are just as bad. I think that since Cedars is a historical building at Cedar Point (and yes it is) that they should only fix it up, not tear it down. As for the girls dorms those should be torn down and re-built.

Magnum crew 00'
Thanks Joe for the information..... I think the plan (long term) is to get all employee housing off point! they just have to solve the space issue for where to build housing or they just need a big committment to a large investment for a 4+ story high rise to house lots of employees off point. in my opinion but what would I know about housing people..... i only have a full time job as a residence hall director at a university!!! CP should hire me for Employee Housing!!!

Raptor DJ Marcus D (NOW Human Resource Office Clerk)
Visit me on the web at www.MARCUSD.com

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