Having been at CP now for 2 years, well, last year for 6 months, and then this year for about a month, but anyway, I have ridden most of the rides numerous times, as everyone on this forum has I'm sure. However, I must say that last Sunday I rode the Monster...I know I know, not a thrill ride by any means, but still, I was bored, and it looked sorta fun, so I thought, why not? Well, I rode it, and the guy operating the controls was absolutely hilarious. He would talk to us during the ride saying things such as, "you're on the monster, not the spider, the monster," and, "you are going fast...fast...and you're going to keep going because I want you to." At one point he slowed the ride down, and my car was by him and I yelled, "clear" to which he said over the PA, "no...no clear yet, if you get out, you will fall and hurt yourself." He would have the ride going one way, then suddenly make it switch directions, up and then down, and back again. I have ridden the ride before, so I know the basic sequence, but this ride was definitely not to specs!! I have not laughed harder in quite a long time. Whoever the ride op was, he deserves major kudos. He was having fun with his job, and that is important. Perhaps he was tired, he probably wanted to go home, and he probably had been there O-C, but he still had a smile on his face, and made everyone laugh, and have a great time. I'm anxious to hear of other people's experiences with fun ride ops!
"So you're telling me I can't play Jesus Loves Me for my solo??"