Frontier Trail GCI

OnPointTony, if you’re seeing this please pass it over to the design team. How can we fit a GCI woodie into Frontier Trail without tearing down too many trees and not take up a lot of real estate? Here’s a design.

Thank god for this thread, GCI and Cedar Point would have never been able to even consider this layout without it.

Bro I’m just having fun! Obviously it was a joke and Tony has better things to do. How about you not be an ass about it. Anyone tell you that you’re fun at parties?

Tony, since I am 100% certain that Cedar Point has not put any thought as to what to do with the SRF area and are taking recommendations from Pointbuzz forums, here’s a Mack water coaster layout for the SRF area and the STR area. Please hire me as your designer.

eChameleon's avatar

I think if they open this thread, legally they can't use your ideas. Or something like that.

Perfect! They’ll be forced to hire me. Tony, this was the toughest design yet. Had to be really creative on this one. RMC dueling hybrid.

Jeff's avatar

Playing Rollercoaster Tycoon is fun, but why do you think they would be interested in what a random person on the Internet thinks when they have an entire planning and design department?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Because, their designers have nothing on me. This entire post is satirical. Why are you even asking the question when you already know the answer?

Jeff's avatar

I can assure you that calling anyone an ass here will not be great for account longevity. "Bro."

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Kevinj's avatar

I thought it was pronounced "Bruh".

Although in some cultures it's pronounced, "Manzier"

Promoter of fog.

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