Front row baby swap

I made a suggestion while I was there the first week of June that if the rest of my party waited for the front row, shouldn't the parent waiting with the baby get the front also. The ride manager thought this was resonable and said he would talk to his boss about it.

What do you think?

By the way, it has been almost three weeks since our trip and our two year old still talks about ttd and that she likes it but doesn't want to ride it. She loved Jr Gemini and was too short for Woodstock Express but next year I will be able to say that I have riden every coaster there.

I can't really say much about the parent swap issue, since I've never really been involved with parent waiting. I could see the boss go either way. About your daughter, my sister is exactly the same, just a little older. When she was 6 when she first went, she had a great time. Every day since then that's all she talks about, and that was last year! I can't say I blame her.

-Eagle- *** Edited 6/24/2004 3:26:54 AM UTC by sean_s_eagle***

Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.

Kyle Folds, my experience is that most crews already allow this. To avoid problems, our first rider usually mentions they waited for the front seat when they exit, informing the ride op that the "swapping" party will also want to ride up front. We virtually never have a problem. I'm not sure if CP has a policy, but we rarely have anyone tell us we can't do it.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

Rapter and TTD we couldn't until I talked to him. They always said anywhere BUT the front.
All the times we've used the swap, all you have to do is ask and most times they wouldn't, but sometimes thay have. So ask, and you may just get lucky. I'm just happy they have something like this for us parents who want to have fun like the kids.

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