Friday Oct 4th

LuvRaptor's avatar
No CP work for me-play for me! Will be hanging at park with my Po!nter buds O-C. Need 60 more Raptor flights for 700 lifetime but not sure if going to marathon or not. 9pm in front of Raptor meeting place. Last night before my Raptor ride op career begins again! Woo hoo!! :)

Jo 2000/2002 Raptor Crew
It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)


Count me in. I will be their around 7:30!

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I think I'll be there.... ;0

Jeff Shumway
99 Mitsu GSX 13.9 @ 94 mph - whoops, wrong board...

2002 25 minute MF rides: 1
2002 45 minute waits on Raptor platform w/o riding: 1
2002 trips to the point: not near enough
2002 Raptor Crew??? Oh yeah, you know it...

LuvRaptor's avatar
Let's not forget we HAVE to go to AAron's magic show...something about a tutu???? ;)

2000/2002 Raptor Crew
It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I'll be there all weekend Jo camping..I'll be in the park Fri after 10pm though..we need to set up our site since were not arriving til after 9pm...

I Met Brittney! Shes SOOOOOO Cool!

A tutu? Now this I will have to see!

00 MF Circuts=50
01 MF Circuts=124
02 MF Circuts=106

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