I've read here that those who stayed at Breakers on Friday were going to be "automatically" refunded their stay for that night.
I was also told at the Lighthouse point office that I would receive a 20% refund for our stay in the campground on Friday.
Has anyone who was there actually received their refund or discount yet, back to their credit card? I thought it was a little odd that he didn't process the refund while I waited, but the guy was the manager so I figured he knew what he was doing.
I'm going to give them a call, but thought I would check to see if anyone else has received refunds before I start complaining.
I have not received mine for Friday night in Breakers either. Woke up to no water and wasn't able to take a shower, etc.
I didn't put up a big fight while I was there because I knew the front line employees probably weren't empowered to do it themselves and they were probably dealing with a ton of BS at the time. I figured I'd just call in later. Then I saw reports of automatic refunds and decided to wait a bit. I am probably going to have to call too. Not sure if I will have a chance to do it by the end of the day. Let us know how it turns out.
I just received a refund on my credit card this morning for our Friday night stay at Breakers.
When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835
I have received my refund.
Cedar Point guest since 1974
I had to call. Ours was overlooked because our stay begain earlier. Still never expected a refund for Friday! It was processed over the phone and credited back to the card yesterday.
I just called... they said if you were already checked in when that happened (we checked in Thurs) that it would take 3-5 business days to be refunded to our card. So I'll give them a few days, then, when it doesn't show up, call them back. She said they were refunding everyone for Friday night across all resort properties.
^ Did you ask when they are going to send your Exit Passes? 😉
When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835
My refund came through yesterday. We also checked in Thursday night.
Didn't expect it and we really didn't want it.
But, call me what you want... thank you Cedar Point!
To being an "us" for once - instead of a "them"
Can I Call You Maybe? ;)
This Isn't A Hospital--It's An Insane Asylum!
My refund for Friday night just came through overnight. I didn't end up having to call. I'm sure I will dump it right back into the park at some point this season. :)
well I wasn't staying at a cedar point property the weekend of the water main break, and am a platinum pass holder, and was disaapointed I lost the weekened when I drove from NJ for coastermania, but I did write cedar point a nice letter and all, and got some exit passes and a free fast lane plus wristband for another visit this season. wasn't expecting anything, but it was a nice jesture from the park. I know I will be returning before the season ends.
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