Freeway Stamps

I went to Cedar Point last thursday. We were going to get in line for the TTDs freeway stamps, but the line obviously was extremely long. So, instead we got one for Magnum. My question is, Does anyone know how many stamps CP distributes each day for its freeway rides?


(O yeah, I just became a member)

You can only get 2. (one on each hand) But for every time they give out 200 stamps and then quit for that time and move on to the next time and when the last time comes then the yquit for the day. You also want to look at where they give them out what time they are going to start givving out the stamps too.
I know that Millennium Force distributes its freeway stamps at 11:00 am and TTD are distributed at 2:00pm. If you want to get a time for TTD not too late in the day you should get in line at the kiosk around 1:10.

Most people freak out when they see the line and they think they arent going to get a good time. When I was there I was towards the back of the line. I was waiting next to that storage building next to Dragster that says "World's Fastest Coaster" and I got a 7-8 time.

Millennium Force Crew 2007
Raptor Crew 2008

So these freeway things are really helpful?

And thanks for the times for them, Race. We'll probably end up getting them for TTD, since I'm not huge on waiting in seventy hour lines.

PS - how exactly do the Freeway passes work? We plan on getting them for at least one ride [most likely TTD or MF], but I'm really unsure how to go about grabbing one. Can anyone help? *** Edited 8/7/2004 4:12:43 PM UTC by grind your soul***

bholcomb's avatar

I was waiting next to that storage building next to Dragster that says "World's Fastest Coaster" and I got a 7-8 time.

You mean the Hyrdaulic room?

grind your soul said:
And thanks for the times for them, Race. We'll probably end up getting them for TTD, since I'm not huge on waiting in seventy hour lines.

Whoa.. 70 hour lines?! And to think, last time I was there, it was only about a 45 minute wait. *** Edited 8/7/2004 4:30:05 PM UTC by bholcomb***

We in Canada use a different hour system than you guys, obviously. :lol:
They give 2 stamps to each person, one on each hand. I think they give like 150 or 200 people the stamp for each hour. I usually grab Magnum since it's a great ride.
I can't believe people get Freeway Stamps for Magnum!

Then again, I only go to Cedar Point in May, June, & September to avoid the need for them.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

It's so easy to get more than 2 stamps. Just wash your hands! It takes some scrubbing to get the black RIDE off, but it comes off. I even got mine off with my spit to ride a ride more than once.
I'm wondering - does CP have a timetable chart anywhere in the park where it states what times the Freeway passes are being handed out?

Or would they say what times the passes are being handed out on a sign at the Freeway stand outside of the rides?

Just wondering - two days 'til CP!!!

JW Addington's avatar
They have the time posted at the freeway stand outside of the ride. The ones i know for sure are: MF-11am, Raptor-11am, Mantis-11am, Dragster-2pm (somedays they dont distribute dragster stamps), Magnum-2pm, not sure about wicked twister.

To me, Magnum stamps are a waste, the line is always short. The ones i usually get are MF Dragster or MF Mantis.

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

Yeah, time are posted outside the Freeway Booths, I always get MF, and Dragster stamps. I'm never really at Cedar Point when Mantis is packed, it's usually just a 15 minute wait.
Ralph Wiggum's avatar
WT is also at 2 PM. There's definately no need to get in TTD's freeway line at 1:10. The line may look long, but I've been as far back as the back of the hydraulic building and I still got a stamp for the 6-7 time frame.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

On busy days, if you're in line for TTD Freeway handstamps by 1:35-1:40 you have a real good chance. If the line is back to the artists (by the TTD tower, across from Magnum entrance), you might be too late. BTW, they don't give out 150-200 handstamps per hour for TTD. 100 is a better guess.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

I like how everytime one of these posts come up, someone talks about how they attempt to get multiple stamps. Just be happy that CP is nice enough to give out two nowadays, it used to be one. As far as how many stamps, it depends on the ride's hourly capacity, something like ten percent of what the ride can do that hour is given in stamps

The last time I was there, I was told by the lady giving stamps that MF gives out 2,000 stamps (150 per hour if open until 11) and TTD gives out 1,200 (150 stamps each hour if open until 11). Now, this was over a week ago, so I am sure, like Aderbaline said, it depends on capacity, and it also depends on attendance and park hours during that particular day. I have no idea what WT, Magnum, Mantis, or Raptor give out, as I usually just get MF and TTD stamps.
I would imagine Magnum wouldn't be much... Mantis isn't really ever packed (from what I've saw), but Raptor must give out alot.
If there's no TTD stamps one day I'm there I'll always get a MF and Mantis. In the middle of the day... around like 3 or 4, Mantis is usually packed, and it's sort of fun to walk by everyone.
Concerning Magnum, you might as well just ride it early in the day or at night as to avoid any sort of long line. Fourth choice freeway stamp would probably be... Raptor.

2005 visits: 10
2006 visits: 7

Magnum still rocks.

Adernaline said:
I like how everytime one of these posts come up, someone talks about how they attempt to get multiple stamps. Just be happy that CP is nice enough to give out two nowadays, it used to be one. As far as how many stamps, it depends on the ride's hourly capacity, something like ten percent of what the ride can do that hour is given in stamps

Not my fault that its the most low tech way of shortening lines. Why should you be limited to how many stamps you can get? I'm not limited anywhere else as to how many rides I can get on in an express lane. Just be happy that CP has no clue how many people get more than 1 stamp and multiple rides on 1 ride and whos to stop them? Not me, more power to them. *** Edited 8/23/2004 3:10:23 AM UTC by DubbSlaw3***

The only time I'll get a stamp is when I see the line to get them is relatively short. I know that I saw the line to get stamps at Raptor was extremely long, and when I just waited until the night, I rode Raptor with a 15 min wait. So if I see a short or no line to get stamps, ie Magnum, I just grab one. Also, does anyone else notice the amount of that black ink on the Magnum station. Like actually on the walls while your climbing up the stairs. There are streaks of black all over.


Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.

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