Freaky Things!

I love listening to everyones stories about Cedar Point, and thought maybe, you would all like to share what freaky things have you seen at Cp? Funny stories, or what not! I myself dont really have one, other than the year that those Dr. Suess hats were popular, and on one day I was there seemed like the midway was a sea of Dr. Suess hats!! Man I couldnt stop laughing that day! Who came up with that style?

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Here is a somewhat funny story about me last year. As an intro to this; prior to last year I hated coaster till I went on one and broke loose.

Toward the end of the season last year I had conquered all the coaster but Power Tower and Magnum. (yeah I hear ya "what a woose" (sp)) After riding Raptor one evening my friend convinced me to go on Power Tower. I first said no way, but after asking him how it compared to Raptor he convinced me to do it. Funny thing was his comparison with it to Raptor. I asked how does PT compare to the first hill on Raptor. He said it is just a little worse but not all that much....Yeah OK..My butt it is. So after he lied through his teeth I went on it, getting shot down. On the way up to the top, I believe my words were "Oh my god, what did you make me do, you are dead when we get down." He said he has never seen more fear in my face than that day when we were at the top. I probably sweated off 5 pounds on the way up and sitting at the top. And to think that I thought Magnum would be worse than PT. What a thrill ride PT is. After we got off we went right back in line to get shot down again, only this time I wanted to do it.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
I had a similar experance with one of my friends who tries to act all big and bad, but his true colors were shown when we hit PT. He was all talk in the line til we got quite close to the thing...Finaly when we get lifted to the top of the turbo drop tower I looked over to my friend to see him tring to cover himself up into some sorta of fetal position staying that way through the whole drop...finaly when we get off the ride, me and my buddy Eric asked "Hey lets go back on" "uhhh I don'think we should, lets try something else" He let his true colors show that day.
Last funny thing I remember was the last time I went to CP about two years ago when near the end of the night we had a long wait for Magnum so my favorite thing is to people watch. Well I notice this lady on the right of me blowing pretty large bubbles, which I found odd because I haven't seen a person over the age of 10 do. So about 10 minutes later after noticing this, I guess she decides to go for the record or something, the bubble got about basketball size when the wind kicked in, and with everyone looking at this lady that bubble popped and because of the wind it got on her face and a lot in her the site of her and I guess her boyfriend picking the gum out of her hair and what not was QUITE funny, I guess thats what you get for doing something like that. Good god, after almost 15 years, I could think of lots of silly things that happened to people at the a employee could think of ton!
"And now for something completely different" MPFC
One of the first days of Halloweekends in 98 I had my sister, and two
friends with me inline for power tower at about 10pm. As we were getting set in our seats I looked up and saw 7 ufo's just dancing around what looked like was right above our heads. Well they stayed there til after the ride where i got an awesome photo of the ufo's and power tower at night.
I made a trip to CP in 1990 with my parents and my aunt, uncle, and cousin from Indiana. I was 13 at the time and had been riding coasters since I was about 5. My cousin was 11 and had never ridden. It was the year after Magnum opened. Me and my parents had already spent a day at the park before the others met us there. We were staying in Camper Village. When my cousin got there, he said he was going to ride a roller coaster for the very first time. I had tried to get him to ride before, but he was too scared. Well, when we were walking to the gate, he said he wanted to do Magnum first. We all looked at him amazed. "Are you sure?" "Yes I am!" he said. So, we wait about an hour and a half and are in the station. I had a feeling of what he was going to do, so I made sure I stepped into the train first since he was riding with me. We stepped in and he said, "Let me out! I'm not going!" I said, "Sit down and yes you are!" So he did. Going up the lift, I pointed to our camper and said, "See, there's the camper!" He was holding onto the bar, white-knuckled, with his eyes shut so tight he could have made a diamond out of a lump of coal. He wouldn't budge. He was like that through the whole ride. Never screamed, opened his eyes, or let go of that bar. We got back into the station and he opened his eyes and let go of the bar to reveal 10 deep impressions in the metal from his grip. He got off and as we walked down the exit ramp he said, "Ok. Let's go again!" He's never had a problem with coasters since then.
One time we were on the Magnum and got stuck at the top of the hill.

But fortunately the ride sank to the point where we could just get out of our cars and step over onto the ground.

That was kinda weird.

Duane Cahill
Currently signature-less. This space for rent.
I also have a story about Power Tower. Because I already rode Magnum I figured hey (200ft+40ft)+(72mph-22mph)= Power Tower. My friend talked me into riding the thing. "Is it scary", I asked him. "No it's not", He replied. My dumb butt believed him. So we are in line and of course it doesn't look to bad. The cars seem to make it to the top quickly and The fall didn't seem to be that fast. We got closer and closer to the Drop Zone (It's a figure of speech not the actual ride). I wasn't feeling nervous at all. We were next. The people who just got off told us to count to 8 at the top and we would drop (ha). We got into the car. Thats when I got nervous. We started to lift off the ground. It seemed a lot quicker when we were on the ground. When I figured we were high enough I looked to see if we were at the top. WE WERE ONLY HALF WAY UP!!! Okay no problem until I heard my friend say, "Hold my hand." "Why are you nevous", I asked. No answer. I figured he hadn't riden it. We finally got to the top. "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8", We both counted rather quickly. Nothing. We couldn't hear anything, nothing down below. "Oh that was fuuuuuuuun", I said as we fell on the fun. I held on tight. After the first drop and its G's I didn't feel the bounce up or the next drop down. I got off shaking. I said a lot of naughty words (don't tell my mom). After that I rode power tower 4 more times. My PT count is now 5

...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast
I have a PT story as well. At Paramount's Carowinds, my home park, I rode Drop Zone, and was scared out of my mind. So imagine my face when I came up to PT, this HUGE ride almost triple the size of Drop Zone!!! I am one of the few, I think, that rode the Space Shot side first, because I have never ridden one. I am not exactly friendly with heights either, and I did not want to be held up in the air for a long time. I loved the space shot, by the way. Later in the day, I was in line for Raptor and some clouds started to gather. We were about halfway up the lift on Raptor when the rain started. Perfect timing, huh? Anyway, we were one of the last trains to go, and then they shut down Raptor and many other rides while it was raining. Since we were already soaked from our ride on Raptor (Did I mention we were in the front seat?), and Power Tower was the only major ride still running, I gathered up my courage and went on the Turbo Drop side. Let me tell you, that was perhaps the greatest adrenaline rush I have ever felt on a thrill ride. We got even more soaked, too! However, I did not like PT as much as the coasters, but it was great!
Funny how we lie to get others to ride :)

Thinking back on my frist ride on Magnum, man I wanted to pay the ride ops to stay and operate it after the park closed.

Another evening me and my friend again were there and I made up my mind him and I were going straight to Magnum and ride it. (Ok actually he made it up for me) Getting me to pass by Raptor in the front of the park is just about impossible. but I did. I was scared of magnum because of its sheer height. (don't remind me of MF's height) After waiting about an hour, we were on the lift hill. I was not as nervous as I was for PT this time, and not as scared, why because I knew he lied through his teeth again. Oh well. Sitting in the back seat lets just say I was not prepared for the drop when we got to the top. The front cars started to go over and before I knew it I was hauling asp down the hill. With him sitting next to me my hands immedietly flew up in the air and slapped him in the face. So I am screaming hands flopping around saying "This is awesome this kicks butt" And he is sitting there next to me in pretty serious pain with a shot to the face, saying "Ouch..dumb asp" I think that is what he said I was enjoying myself to much to care. That was the best ride I had on magnum. But not the funniest, that is a story for some other time. I wanted to go ride it again but he needed a break. Yep it is always an adventure riding with me. I do try to somewhat contain myself though.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
I remember a story also!!! It was I think the first Halloweekends in October!!! I was with my youth group and in line for the CP cemetary.
The ride op said no one will touch you, over and over again!!!!! Then finally we ended up at the entrance. As we went in people in my youth group
(the ladies!) were scared even though nothing has happened yet. Well they figure lets run to the end!! So as they run they they ended up pushing the youth leader. He fell right as the guy opened a door and yelled. Although the ride op didn't have time as our youth leader fell on him!! As the ride op saw the youth leader(unexspectantly)
falling at him the ride ops yell turned into a
scream! Along with "What the h***."

"And now for something completely different"
I love that show!!!
too bad its not on anymore!!!!

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