FOX 8 CLEVELAND & Old Timer Tim

Great story today when Kenny from Fox 8's Morning Show road MF! Speaking of Fox 8, Old Timer Tim (former CPer) is turning forty in a few days and Fox 8's Morning Show will be live from his house this coming Monday (5/15). That's right, the whole gang, Wayne, Kenny, Andre and Stefani (yeah baby) Shaffer!!!! Tune in Clevelandites and
celebrate OTT's 40th!

For those of you interested, OTT was a long time CPer who should be revered just for the sheer length of summers he endured and the number of rides he worked included Blue Streak, Jumbo Jets and Shoot the Rapids (the best water ride the park ever had!) Here's to you OTT, it's people like you that give CP it's long lasting charm and appeal - HAPPY BIRHTDAY OLD MAN!
"...and one time on Magnum" ohh ...wait he is just turning 40, I thought he turned 40 when the beach boys were in their prime... ;)


daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 010
'00 M. Force Count:041 *** This post was edited by Dan on 5/12/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
Be sure to look for the GTTP T-shirts! :)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 22
Happy Birthday Tim!

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:30
Hey, you'll have to watch becuase I get to pick the "website of the day". Will it be... Guide to the Point, or Cedar Or do I have another favorite. Watch Monday Morning and see:)
At least you'll see a Guide to the Point T-Shirt on the air during the show, right Jeff?
*** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim on 5/12/2000. ***
Happy Birthday Day! :)

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
Does anybody have a video file or tape of the FOX 8 media day story? I was away when it was on and forgot to tape it.
Jeff's avatar
So did anyone see the goof this morning? Priceless quotes from the brothers and Mom, and the old photos were good for a laugh.

So why couldn't Zippy keep his hands to himself? :)

By the way Stefani is hot in person as well, even pregnant!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 5/16/2000. ***
I saw it and it was actually kind of enjoyable! That cassarole didn't look too bad but the name needs some editing! It was also nice to see the "MF opens in -2 days!" in the background whenever they showed the webpage of the day.
Happy Birthday Tim. From a fellow Forty year old and some one who can say they worked at the park longer than you did.
Dave S

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