Four Generations of Cedar Point Fans

It occurred to me today that my kids, nieces, and nephews are fourth generation CP fans.  My grandmother, who grew up in Cleveland and then Toledo, who died 2 years ago at 92 years, used to tell us stories about going to Cedar Point in the twenties.  My parents went throughout the fifties & sixties.  I went regularly in the sixties, seventies, and early eighties, until I moved away from Toledo.  Now I bring my kids there every year, and they love it as we did.  The yearly Cedar Point trip is pretty much the only time during the year when my parents, my siblings, my kids, and their kids all see each other during the course of a year.

Back in the seventies and eighties, our family used to take the trailer every summer and camp at CP.  Many of our fondest memories are of our annual Cedar Point trips.

I think four generations counts as something really special in America.  Cedar Point is a part of my family heritage.  A strange role, perhaps, for an amusement park to play, but for me, the most important.

-- Harley
CP fan since 68.

*** This post was edited by harley on 12/27/2001. ***

well, thats really impressive.we went to the point first time in 1969,but after a couple of trips,we kinda forgot about the park.our interest was rekindled in 1988 and has never died down we usually make at least one and usually two trips every year.(from chicago)my kids and grandkids almost grew up and matured knowing and loving this wonderful grandsons are now married with children of their own,and im sure they will eventually become what i am(age 65)...a CP junkie.feel free to share your interests with me,i feel a common bond with CP people.
I found out while doing a genealogy project that my ancestors were in a group which had the one of the first settlements in the Sandusky area in the early 1800's (The Coe's were their name). My great^4th power grandfather must have had a thing for heights because I found a story about him falling off the top of a barn. We have remained in the area since that time.

I too know I am at least 4th Generation also, with my Great Grandma telling me stories about the point. With my ancestors being right there I would not be surprised if they also went to the campgrounds in the 1870s. Of course none of them are as loony as me.

Is there any X-Cubes or Game Boxes?
MF-344 Magnum-510

I too had grandparents that used to go to CP in the 30's.  My mom told me about a trip my grandmother took her on to CP when they rode the ferry.  And, of course, I've been going since the mid 60's.  Now my son is the 4th generation.

I took him to the museum when he was 7 and showed him all the rides they had when I was a kid. 

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

One Of My Relatives Was The First Mayor Of Sandusky And The Other Was A LightHouse Keeper On Cedar point (Way back when)
One Time Me And My Friends Rode The Mine Ride 25 Times In A Row For Fun, And Gave The Ride Op's A Thumbs Up Back. I Think We Annoyed The Heck Outta Them:)

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