So I lied. Here is another bump, since I've watched these for days to help me get through the off season. I hope they help you, too.
Mayor, Lighthouse Point
I enjoyed teh video. GOD it makes me miss the place so much.. 97 days till I can get there. Thanks for the video I've already watched it a dozen times and probably will watched it 100 times till I go.
To answer a few quesitions:
The Video
The scenne with the storm clouds was scarey. I turned to Troy and said, "we better run!" We did, after he got that shot. We went to what was the Hauf Brau...that beer place at the front of the park. An ejoyable time was spent there watching the storm and people run from it!
Again, forgive my misspelling. I'm down mechanical, but getting better. It's been one heck of a long year for me.
Mayor, Lighthouse Point
I talked with my bro tonight and he is going to send you a couple of cd's with many versions of the vids. High def, MPG's etc.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I so!
Mayor, Lighthouse Point
Yeah, he sent me an email and told me about it. Many thanks to you and him.
Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Point
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