Flat Rides

If indeed we see flat rides in 2002, what kind of flat rides are out their, and what do they do? Thanks!!!
I think Cedar Point has one of the lagest collections of flat rides.

Live for FUN!

Don't let life fly by.
Well, there was a specific company mentioned, and it is slipping my mind right now. Anyone remember?

I think they should get a Power Surge, Wind Shear, and Turbo Force. These three rides are made by Zamperla Rides go to www.zamperlarides.com for information. They look like really cool rides check them out.

~Chip Force *** This post was edited by Chip on 6/18/2001. ***
how about a zipper?
Wind Shear looks impressive put costly and needing space.

Live for FUN!

Don't let life fly by.
Doesnt look like much more space than a top spin...and would put a top spin to shame....

I dont think cost is a huge concern, these are quality rides....
Zipper sound great to me. However, something tells me you may only get a 20 second ride which would just be pointless.
All 3 are sweet and The Mixer is cool too!

"Where da party at?! Girls is on da way, where da BACARDI at?!!"
I've ridden a mixer once and I gotta say it was a really cool ride. But for some reason(I think mechanical)knoebels had to take theirs out. Power surge would be a good fit for cp.

"Nippy!! Where the hell are ya?"
No Look for a huss frisbee.

Bring back the Roter

Park visitor since 1979
I rode time warp at SFWOA, and its pretty cool!
boywithhorseteeth's avatar
The Rotor! My God! Why that blessed thing isn't in a museum somewhere, I'll never understand. Boy, that was the ultimate stupid little ride!
I like the Top Star Tour (Zamperla) I rode one six times once at Myrtle Beach...spin-and-puke worked well for that one...
how about a tram that goes from the frount of the park to the back
How about bringing back the tram in the parking lot?

Gemini 100: 100
I'll take one Mondial Top Scan please.


Rich Genthner / PTC99
Someone wrote...

The Rotor! My God! Why that blessed thing isn't in a museum somewhere, I'll never understand. Boy, that was the ultimate stupid little ride!

Actually, technically, there IS a Rotor in a museum somewhere. Here in Columbus, if you go to the Center of Science and Industry (COSI), our local science museum, they have a refurbished, operating, themed Chance Rotor on display.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
There is something like a Rotor that comes to our fair every year...not quite a Rotor, but it tries. Now, a roundup, those are fun. They are like crosses between a Rotor and a Witches wheel. It starts out like a Rotor, but then it lifts you up like the Witches Wheel. Fun stuff...


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