Five Train Op on Gemini

Yesterday, for the very first time I ever, I saw a different number of trains on one track of Gemini than the other. The red side had all three running, while there was a blue train that was taken off. The ride raced in the afternoon like always, and the blue side was dispatched just like three train op, and every third red train didn't have a blue to race.

Any reason for this?

It was the same on Tuesday. I think we can assume that the number of trains running is determined by the number of people moving through the line. On Tuesday there were quite a few people in line and 5 trains made sense. Around 5:00 the crowd got smaller and they went to four. If you are asking why not six instead of five, it could be a problem with the third blue train but it is more likely that they are just matching capacity with demand without the over kill of running all six. Remember that running all three on a side really keeps the crew moving. Also, did you notice that the trim brakes seemed to hit a little harder on the side that was running three trains than they did on the side that was running two?

I am still amazed at the capacity of that ride and how well it handles any size crowd. As I remember CP paid $3.4 million for it and it is probably amoung the smartest purchases they have ever made.

Hasn't it been running five trains for some time now?
2000 MF LAPS: 117
2001 MF LAPS: 146
Gemini 100: 100
It really is related to the number of people in line - Gemini has problems if there isn't enough weight in the train, such as rollback problems. Dropping a train can distribute those riders into the other 4-5 trains, and not have to wait at the station for more riders.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

They have had 5 train for a while. I like it because as long as you ride blue you are guaranteed a race where if there is 6 trains, it's very difficult. I'd say there are more races with a 5 train than 6.

2001 Force Laps-116
2001 Magnum Laps-238
6/11/01 Gemini Laps 100

Robodud's avatar
Remember at this time last year they had each a red and a blue train from Gemini under the Meanstreak for storage?  I think it's that time of the year again where ridership isn't as high.  At least that was the reason last year.  On top of that I always get that third red train that doesn't have a buddy to race with... sad... sad... sad .
Actually.. the reason they are running 5 trains for most of this season is they had a problem with the B side (blue) lift motor. In order to make sure the problem doesn't happen again, they are only running 2 trains on the blue side.

When the B side lift would go down, they had alot of problems getting it to come back online. They found that running with only 2 trains on B side stopped the motor from being overworked and shutting down.

The 3rd blue train is still on the transfer track and is being rotated in and out of service with the other 2 trains. They have also been running mainly B side at night to help get teh hours up on the blue trains. Most of the season, they have opened the ride with A side only with B side coming online about 11:30am.

- Egg Whites -
MF total - 385 laps
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
"I WILL be there for the silver tag.. I PROMISE.."

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