Tommy Penner - Variable X
"Popularity IS an accident."
Yep, start in the back of the park and make your way to the front. That always seems to work for me. The only rides that you kind of have to choose on are Magnum and Millennium Force (since they are right in the middle). Also, aside from coasters, be sure to check out at least one of the live shows, and try some other rides as well.
The Strategy section of this site has some useful tips. However it hasn't made its way to the new layout yet. Luckily I pulled it up from the past - go here: http://web.archive.org/web/20011024023900/www.guidetothepoint.com/thepoint/strategy/
Break the scream barrier NOW!
Wicked twists: 3
Danger: Hgih Voltage!
*** This post was edited by Majin Heero 5/14/2002 11:11:54 PM ***
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