Hey this weekend will be my first time going to Cedar Point. Got any tips?
Yeah, Enjoy Your Experience. ;)
-Matthew Couts
And your POINT is...
Here's a link to a similar thread posted earlier this week.
http://www.guidetothepoint.com/thepoint/cpplace/thread.asp?ForumID=1&TopicID=5539 -------------
Duane Cahill
Cedar Point - One small part of a whole big life.
I would get there around 9 o clock and get in line for Raptor right away, because in the evening this line tends to be longer. Then I would hit Demon Drop, and then go down the Oceana Midway hitting Disaster Transport. Then hit Corkscrew, Magnum, Power Tower, and Gemini before entering the Fontiertown. Then you can grab something to eat. Then hit Mine Ride, Mean Streak, and the water rides that you want to ride. Then take the train back to Millenium Force and ride that. This line tends to be shorter in the late afternoons. Then hit Mantis, Iron Dragon, and Wildcat. Then on the way back to the front you can hit Blue Streak. Note: These are all the coasters, but you can also hit any other rides, like the spin rides if you want, with most of them having not much wait. Now it sould be around 7 PM or 8 PM when your done with all of this. If your feet are tired enough, then go on home, but as I always do, I take the train to the back of the park and make my way foward riding all of my favorite coasters again, which at the end of the day when everyone has moved to the front of the park, there are no waits for them. You can ride Mean Streak, Gemini, and Magnum, again many times in a row. Since its your first time there you should probably go see the laser light show at 10 PM over by the train station. Then maybe catch one more ride on Raptor in the dark, and then leave around 11 PM. You can go anyway you want to, but I've used this plan for many years now, and it has never failed. Have fun!
"Stop worrying about your stupid back, and ride Mean Streak! You bunch of babies!"
Thanks a lot you guys! I'm so excited for Friday... thanks for the tips!
I dont agree, you really shouldnt start in the front, everyone does that. Either join the running of the bulls and get a quick ride, then I would hit Mantis as you can usually get a quick ride there too. or start in the back of the park to avoid the crowds...
DT80: 30 and proud of it!
Proud member of the O.C.
Elite Eight (ring man)
The best way to avoid long waits (at least that I have found)...
-Enter through the Marina Entrance (you can walk there from the main lot) at opening, and RUN to Millennium Force. You should only have to wait like 5 or 10 minutes. After MF, head across the midway to the line for Mantis. You should be one of the first ones on.
-After Mantis head down Frontier Trail, to the back of the park. Here you can do Mine Ride, Mean Streak, the water rides, and Gemini. After Gemini, head down to Magnum.
-After Magnum you can do Corkscrew and then Power Tower. You can then run over and hit Iron Dragon and Wildcat. By this time it should be getting to the afternoon. Head to the front of the park, and you will find short waits for Blue Streak, Disaster Transport, and Raptor.
From there, you have pretty much done everything big, so you have the rest of the day to go back and ride those coasters that you just have to do again.
"Vote early and vote often"
Very good strategy. Listen to Majin.
No way! I go the same exact way as kevin. It works Sarah go for that!
MF 4
Magnum 12
All others once.
everyone is a critic Sarah...just enjoy your day and take it in stride...However i would do MF 1st..
http://www.msu.edu/~armbrus9/cp.html mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!
Thanks CedarPoint!
"Stop worrying about your stupid back, and ride Mean Streak! You bunch of babies!"
I recommend heading to Magnum first, because if you don't run fast(if you enter at the Main Gate) you could end up with a good size wait @ MF. I say head towards Magnum( hit Power Tower on the way), then head towards the back of the park before it gets crowded. Hit Millennium Force around three o'clock when the lines usually has cooled down a little.
Yeah Andrew, that is my second-favorite strategy. I use that if I can't get to MF right at opening. So basically if you can for sure run to MF right at opening, then do it first, but if you can't, then do Magnum. The great thing about Magnum in the morning is that it is a walk on for a LONG time... if you want you can get MANY rides in a short span of time and still head to the back of the park before it gets crowded.
- Majin Heero, leaving GTTP for two weeks :'(
We're going to Cedar Point on July 31. I read that this year CP doesn't open the gates until 10 AM, but some of the posts I've been reading suggest this is not so. What time do the gates open? What time do the ticket booths open? I will try to get tickets ahead of time, but I may have to use my Getaway Guide coupons. Thanks!
On July 31st, the gates SHOULD open at 9:30. 9:30 has pretty much become the norm for weekdays. I think the ticket booths open at 9:00(?) but I can't be very sure, as I have never really had to buy from the booths, at least not that early.
Have fun at the PO!NT :)
You guys should really listen to Majin...that has been my strategy for the past 2 years and I have gotten several rides in with minimal line waits.
Starting in the front is what everyone else does...Raptor's line does not get longer in the evening...in fact the wait usually isn't longer than 30 minutes in late afternnon to early evening.
Head straight to MF first thing. Then to Mantis, and circle the back of the park. Then go up front...in the afternoon. Most people ride the coasters up front and don't have a reason to return to the front so the lines up there stay short.