First time expirience

When you first came to Cedar Point what did you do, what was there, what was new?

My first time at Cedar Point was in 1991. Dispatch Master Transport had all the theming inside it and I loved it. I liked the robots and everything. Of course I was 6 or 7 so everything in the park as cool. I rode Blue Streak and it was great. I had only been to Babilo Island and Cedar Point at that time was like the place to be. Magnum was a legend to me and anyone who rode it was cool to me. That day the most I got up to was Iron Dragon and it is still tight

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
My first time was in 1973 or 1974. I was four years old. At that time, Blue Streak was the signature coaster and the Giant Wheel was probably the signature ride. I remember looking up at it as though it was a skyscraper. Funny how times change. Let's put it this way, the park has changed dramatically since then.
1976. I was 16. The Corkscrew was all shiney and new. I think we rode it a dozen times! What a thrill that was back then. The Jumbo Jet was the scariest thing around. I remember as we waited in line for the Jumbo Jet watching the supports bend back and forth as the cars raced by. It didn't look safe at all, but we didn't care. Jungle Larry's was a good place to watch a show and get a bit of a rest. I think it was a lot cheaper to get in also! The Log Ride too, I think that one is gone now but that ride was a lot of fun also.

3 days to go and counting!
Jeff's avatar
1976, three-years old. My mother was pregnant with my brother and Corkscrew had three-hour lines. I remember most vividly the double ferris wheel and the fun house. I've been most years since, though had a dry spell in college (about '92 through '94).

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
August 10th 1998. The most magical expirience was the very first time I saw that skyline, I knew I was in for the time of my life. The first time I see the skyline, I go wild and crazy, and start singing songs of praise!!
1976 was my first year too! I was 5 and can remember being so fascinated with Space Spiral (when it was painted red, white, and blue) and have vivid memories of the Funhouse, Earthquake, Shoot the Rapids, and Frontier Lift. And spending a lot of time on a VERY crowded Cedar Point Beach.

I also recall throwing a temper tantrum because I was too small to ride on the Jumbo Jet and Wild Cat, which were both along the beach at the time.

That was also the trip that I was trying to impress a girl that came with us, by balancing and walking on a curb, then falling and skinning my knee really bad.

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
*** This post was edited by Seven-of-9 on 7/14/2000. ***
1992 was my first year and I was 7. I cried because I couldn't ride Magnum or Mean Streak which were relatively new. I enjoyed DT and ID because I was only tall enough to ride those 2. From that day I vowed to ride Magnum, Mean Streak, and any other coaster CP put up. I was already hooked at 7.
LuvRaptor's avatar

I remember Corkscrew, Blue Streak
Paddleboat Excursion, the "indoor" rides along the midway (one I think had like an earthquake thing going on?) I remember thinking the park was dirty-
HATED it-then stupid b/f fell asleep on Rte 4 on way home and we ended up having to get towed out of the ditch. I'll never forget how funny his car looked with corn and grass all stuck in his wheel wells. Anyway-
swore I would never go back again.
SOOOO glad I did!!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
A future youngest daughter refers to the space spiral as "The Needle" that name will stick with me forever!

We are on our way!
I was 2. I don't remember.

Live for FUN!

My first time, I was like 1 and 1/2 or so. I don't remember a thing. The first memories I have of CP was when I was 7. I was too short to ride anything but the kiddie rides and ID, which I called Dragon Iron in my age 7 ignorance. I've always been kinda short for my age, right now I'm 16 and I'm 5'5'', so the height restrictions were killer till I was 8. When I was 8 I got to ride Magnum, BS, MR, BS, DT, Gemini, with my dad, I still have the On-Ride-Photos. I have gone to CP at least once every year of my life, so it has been a slight factor in my life, beeing able to look forward to it.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
MF Rides-11
I believe my first trip was in 1984. Either that or 83...don't quite remember (I was 5 or 6)...just that Demon Drop was still the newest big ride. I was just barely tall enough to ride most everything. I ended up riding Demon Drop, but for some reason I was scared of Gemini, and I didn't ride it. I've been back nearly every year since, with the exception of 99, I think. When I finally rode Gemini in 86, I was hooked. Was there for the opening of Magnum in 89, waited 4 hours in 98 degree heat for Mean Streak in 91 (was the first day they used the misters if I recall correctly). Ahhh...what memories. I can't believe that when I was first there, Gemini was only 5 or 6 years old. That's as old as Raptor is now. And Raptor seems so shiny and new still, and yet Gemini seems ancient. Can't believe Magnum's been around 11 years. Hmmm...well, in 2020, when MF is 20 years old, there will be some real nostalgia.


Millennium Force laps: 2 *** This post was edited by Jman on 7/17/2000. ***
I was 2. I don't remember a thing. Cedar Point is in my family so I went every year after that. My mother used to work there in the fry stand and my dad and her would go there all the time together. I have pictures of me on all the Kiddie Rides. My first rollercoaster wasn't at Cedar Point. My first coaster at Cedar Point was the Blue Streak. And my mom is related to the Berardi's of the Famous Berardi's Fry Stand. Something to do with her uncle and cousins. She went to Sandusky High School also. So that's how i got totally involved with Cedar Point.

Raptor '00 Count: 40
1993 I was 8 years old and Snake River Falls was the new attraction at the time. Never got the courage to ride any of the coaster yet every single water ride there was I rode at least 10 times.
1996 and surprisingly I had never been on a real coaster before. I worked my way up throughout the day and at the end got the courage to go on raptor. I barely made the 54". The kids I were with were too scared so I had to go alone. It was still unbelieveable!

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 7
Did you go on Mantis then?
No, I remember eating at the food place right under the first Mantis drop. The thing sounded like a tornado. But the very next time on went on all the major coasters to make up for it.

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 7
Before my first trip to Cedar Point the only park I had been to was Boblo Island near where I lived. Then in 1994 I went to 'The Point' for the first time (I was 9). The first ever coaster I went on there was the brand new Raptor, and I've been fascinated with coasters ever since. I rode every coaster in the park that day except for the Magnum (not ready to ride it quite yet) and the Disaster Transport, only because I didn't realize it was there. And sure enough, my next visit I took on Magnum and found my way over to the Disaster Transport. When I moved to Ohio in '97 I only visited Cedar Point once each year until 2000, where I have made it out to the park 11 times. I couldn't believe what I had been missing.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
I was 8 and it was 1980, GEMINI was all the rave and it was my first coaster. It scared the crap out of me and I didn't go on another big coater till I was 15.
My first time was in 1994. I was 9 and Raptor was new that year. I believe I rode many, if not all of the CP coasters that year. I know my only Magnum ride was on the last night we were there, man was I scared

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