First Ride of 2000

I have spent the past few nughts laying in bed awake things rushing through my brain. One of these was what I will ride first at Cedar Point. For the past 3 years Gemini was always the first ride. This may seem silly to some of you, but I am a pretty traditional guy. So to get to the point here. What are you all going to do. Stick with tradition or ride the shiny new Millennium Force?
Usually, I run right for Raptor, but this year, I am planning to jog (or sprint) to MF right when the gates open. I know its pretty far, but I usually run the 1600m in track, so I think I can handle it! Its gonna be hard to pass Raptor, but i think once I see MF standing tall above the crowd (of coasters) then I'll know.
MAGNUM!! No doubt about it...I'll ride it a few times then head over to MF.

Definitely riding Magnum first again. The CP first-timers that will be with me have to warm up yanno hehe.

(never thought I'd see the day when I called the AWESOME Magnum XL-200 a warm up....hmm.)

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 3/3/00. ***
MAGNUM-- warmup? The only way to warm up for the day depends on whether you enter the park from the front or from Soak City. From the front- the BLUE STREAK wakes quakes you up as a true classic can. From the back- GEMINI; from the first drop to the spectacular ending your groggy ways will be erased.

"To ALCOHOL- the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
--Homer J. Simpson *** This post was edited by jonC on 3/3/00. ***
I'm going to ride Raptor first like I usually do. But when I see How tall MF is i'm probobly not going to see Raptor.
I enter from Soak City and ride the Magnum first.....what's ya point? lol I almost always ride Magnum first. Either that or I go back to the Mean Streak and ride that since *nobody* is on it at the beginning of the day.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 200

PS - Jeff, sorry about the bashing post earlier. It's the sarcastic attitude that gets me sometimes.

LuvRaptor's avatar
NOOO doubt--
gotta fly Raptor first!!!
Catch up to MF later!!!
2000 Goal: 400 Lifetime Raptor rides
Gotta fly Raptor 143x this year
Flew Raptor 176x last year
can guarantee I break that record this year!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight?? *** This post was edited by LuvRaptor on 3/4/00. ***
I'm going to want to go to MF first but my friends will probably talk me into gettin on Raptor first since I'll probably have to ride MF alone :( I don't understand why people are scared of doing stuff (like riding MF or Magnum) where your chance of survival is higher than that of the car ride to the park! :)
Me and Jeff (screechnowl) are going opening day, and we are running to MF. Does anyone know which entrace will be closer to MF? The soak city one or the main gates?

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
The marina entrance is the closest to the Millennium Force line so i'll be there first thing in the morning with my running shoes on. Hopefully my friend I bring along will be able to keep up with me if not he better find a way to line jump because there is no chance in hell i will give up my spot. I'll see you all there too bad i will beat you there. *** This post was edited by CP_Freak on 3/6/00. ***

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