First Ride Auction Details!!!

I just got off the phone with the rep from teh Red Cross and here are the details they know about the auction for first rides on MF:

The auction will begin in approximately 1 month. They have to tie a few loose ends with the park and a radio station. First bid starts at $75 and bids will be taken by snail mail and email. They hope to have a web page showing the top 36 bids and where their seat will be.

At 8:30 on the 13th VIP Riders will be admitted to the park after going to the Group Sales Booth. They will be taken to the Red Garter for a continental breakfast with park management and other vip's after which they will depart for the opening ceremony at MF. VIP's (management) will go up to the platform first and then VIP riders will be announced and come up. They said that there would be a commemorative tshirt or hat and probably pictures and a token or something on those lines.

That is all they know for now, mroe details to follow.
Technically, wouldn't the Longaberger People with their park buyout on May 6th be considered the first MF riders? Or are we not supposed to know about that?

ray p.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Yeah I put my bid in like 3 weeks ago with Ron Rude to be honest with the Red Cross..But I didn't want to say anything because I knew all would call and try to outbid me!! :) LOL

Don't ask what I bid because I ain't :)


Jeffrey Spartan
i bet you only bided 200 bucks

let me off here!!!!

The rides up for auction are for the "public" and not for park buyouts, seems they think the basket people don't count or something, it really doesn't make sense.

As for bids, they aren't accepting them, believe me, I tried to bid my allowance of $1000 but he wouldn't take it. He said they would start taking them in a month.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
YES they are are misinformed or he just didn't want to take your bid...


Jeffrey Spartan
I am fairly new to all the things that are being done in regards to new coasters, my question is, is this something all parks do for the first rides? Holding an auction to be the first on it?
I realy dont like this idea of bidding off "first rides". I dont think that someone with bigger pockets should be able to get on before the rest of us. Im think that to be concidered one of the first of the public riding the coaster, you should pay the park entrace, and make ur way to the ride, and not be able to cut just cause u paid more.
"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
somewhatchewy -- it's a fundraiser for Red Cross. Personally I think it's great -- most of us were never going to get "first ride" anyway, this way some money goes to a good cause.

Heck, even the people bidding aren't getting the very first ride. By the time they get on, the construction workers, park staff, and various other people will have been through ANYWAY...
I understand its for the Red Cross, but still.

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
yes, Gregleg1 the people bidding are not actually getting the fist ride, that rightfully should go to the people who worked on it, and if a company buys the park for private use for the first day, so be it. But when you have general public opening day, I would think that first to it, first on it.

The auction leaves me a little sour from the standpoint that I have tried to do things that would help me to be one of the first to get a chance to ride it. Keep in mind, I said a chance.That just means I think it would be great fun to have them open the gates at 9 am may 13th.and see everyone running to the coaster for their chance to be the first on. Now whats the point?

I guess the thing about this is that like somewhatchewy said, bigger pockets is determining who rides first. Now maybe I am a little peeved because had I known I wouldn't have bothered with a season pass and I would have saved my money for the auction. I am an adult and I have bills to pay, money doesn't grow on trees and I did what I thought was necessary to give me a "chance"(slight as it may be)to make a run for the coaster.
The "First Ride" isn't the first ride for real you know. Tens of thousands of people will ride it the weekend before during hte buyout and even on media day.

I can't believe someone is mad that 1 train of riders who paid money to charity will go in front of them. Sheesh, wow,another 2:45 or whatever in line, that's totally awful.

If they didn't have the auction, what do you think your chances of getting on it FIRST really are? 1 in 5000?
Pay a hundred bucks and you get admission,breakfast,a shirt and a ride.
Don't hate the players hate the game. :)

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Jeff's avatar
Who is more selfish, the people who want the "first" ride or the people who are donating to charity?

No person bidding on that is really thinking about being on the "first" train as much as they're thinking it's a good cause. Give me a break. I'd plop down several C notes, and I will have been on the ride a few dozen times by then!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
You have a point Jeff. The money is going to charity after all and not CP's pocketbook. Many people probably think about that second, but if I knew the money were going to CP and they were just being greedy,I would have second thoughts about bidding.

Just think, if this were the actual "First Ride" how much money the Red Cross could get!
Thats why I asked earlier in the post if anybody knew if all parks had an auction for the first ride on new coasters. but nobody responded.

Rob if you read my post you would have seen I acknowledged the fact that the construction crew and the park buyout existed.

Jeff, I don't need a lecture on charity events. I donate time to charity events in my area all the time. Also, I already said that if I would have known I would have saved some money for this event. As it is there is no way I would be able to have that money now (at least not when I see someone wants to put down $1000).

Dan this is my point, I don't hate you guys because your willing to donate money, I hate the game.

as for the second post, Rob, thats probably where I went wrong I wasn't totally thinking of the money going only to the red cross. So, yeah, guess I was whining a bit and I take it all back.

I was whining a bit too,but even if I weren't getting the first ride, if you are at the park before noon,you will be among the first 1 or 2 thousand people out of millions that will ride it so people getting in front of me really doesn't matter too much. I guess it's either the bragging rights or the tasty continental breakfast that is goating me in :)

I think its the breakfast for me to.:-)
As others have pointed out (and as I tried to say in my original point), they're not getting the first ride, and they KNOW they're not getting the first ride -- the main point is they're donating money to charity, and getting an early ride as a reward. I have absolutely no problem with that. If that means one or two extra trains have gone before me, BFD. *** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 3/13/00. ***
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I just can't believe people are upset about this?? I know I won't be one of the 1st..thats not why I'm doing it anyways..Its for Charity and thats enough for me..So I get to ride it 2:45 before the Gen Public on opening day..I just thought it would be neat to do!! Sheesh, this winter has been hard on some huh..People are getting ornary now!!


Jeffrey Spartan

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