I was wondering if someone could post the original MF station jam?? I only have 30 sec of it and i cant find it on napster/my napster at all. Jeff that second remix is great!
*** This post was edited by Mantis-Guru on 6/12/2001. ***
I have it on Napster, but it is not letting me share it. It is called MF Tripping. I can email it to you if you want.
**Try searching on Napster for "mf song", I renamed it and it may let me share it. My username is quatre556***
*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 6/12/2001. ***
I posted my two remixes at the follow addresses for you: -------------
James Draeger
http://draegs.tripod.com/ "Legend is a wooden Jesus"
were can I download the song also,the original-not the remix,I dont have napster,so is there a place i can download the original?
I Love Millennium Force!:)