First-hand experiences with loose articles??

This Monday I was riding the Force in 6-2. As we flew down the first drop, I saw a black object come flying at me. After a closer look, I realized that it was someone's sunglasses from the front of the train. Now I know why they stress not to wear glasses w/o straps. It was somewhat funny actually to see them. Has anyone else seen anything like this?

"Vote early and vote often"
My freind got wacked in the head by a Coastermainia Button.

2001 Force Laps-68
2001 Magnum Laps-165
6/11/01 Gemini Laps 100
and you all still but up a fight and give us strange looks when we tell you to put things in a only comment!

-Milly Crew '01
-Bluestreak Crew '00
Jamin: You all should make a pic with a cheeseburger impaled on someones forehead to show what could happen if you do not secure loose articles !
A guy a few trains ahead of me was unloading when he asked who had lost their cell phone. He had caught it on the 1st drop and managed to hold on to it.
One time this kid near the back came into the station with a pair of glasses in his hands. He caught them while his hands were in the air unexpectedly!! No one claimed it from the train though, although someone in front of him must have lost them.

Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
My friend and I were riding and after the pullout of the first over-banked turn his retainer flew out of his mouth.
LuvRaptor's avatar
During MF Media Day last season they gave us paper "press looking" papers to fill out with our names and wear around our necks. Hmmm..paper, around necks, 93mph, you could guarantee every ride to see at least 2 or 3 of those babies FLYING off people going down the 1st hill. I lost mine and (no lie) 2 rides later ended up finding it on the floor of the same car we were in before!:)

Last year during a.m. ERT time a bottle of sunscreen went FLYING (I mean this thing was booking!) past our train right after the 2nd hill. When we got back to the station I asked who lost a bottle of sunscreen and some woman 3 or 4 cars back said it was hers and where was it?
TOO funny but thank goodness it didnt hit anyone!

Jo (who had to purposely stack Raptor to pick up someone's extention braid off the runway-ewww :()
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER! :)
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
Many times, but it's more stressful if you're the person losing the object, I remember going to IOA it's inaugarual (sp?) season with the Dodge Group (big bash on the third day where the park closed early and reopened just for us an hour later), and riding Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls and this pass I had to wear around my neck came off. Thank God the person in the back seat caught it!


Matt - Skull Man of the Elite Eight
I stay crunchy...even in milk!
The second time I rode it somebody underestimated the FORCE'S Power and speed and his hat flew off two seats ahead of me and hit somebody toward the back. How do I know that? Cause when we slowed down and came into the station, well. . . let's just say some words were flying around that station.

---how fast is that again?!---
Earlier this year I was wearing a jacket and had my Magnum counter hooked on to the end of it. When the train was going down the first drop it(counter) flew up and almost hit me in the face.

I saw someones hat float in front of my face for about 3 seconds on the top of the third hill. I reached up a snatched it. Gave it back to him when the ride was over. He was quite happy.

:) Gemini 100 Cheering Section :)
On July 4th, I walked out of the Mantis photo building just in time to see a black "floppy" hat fly off someones head as they headed down the first hill of the Big bug and it landed right on top of a passer-by's head. The guy jumped forward and looked around trying to figure out WHO had slapped the hat on his head. Everyone around was clapping and laughing. Once he was told what happened, he gave us all a bow and left the hat with one of those phallic-looking banana cart vendors.

(Oh... someone mentioned getting a photo of someone with a burger upside his/her head.... so, to the pic ops, have you ever seen a pic of someone vomiting or with vomit all over them? I always try to look for one, but I've never seen one. It obviously happens, I mean we've all been there when ride ops look more like firemen with those boots on carrying hose pipes. Just curious. I'd pay to see one of those! LOL!!! :) )

*** This post was edited by MilleniumLady on 7/18/2001. ***

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