
How do you feel on, before and after a coaster?
The reason I ask is becouse my friend said I wasnt a true coaster fan becouse of the fact that Im normally a little scared in line (it may just be nerves), so what do other people feel about this line feeling?
Coast, I can Honestly say I haven't had any problems with my nerves since I really started enjoying coasters ( I think I was about 8) Even MF doesn't look scary to me, just looks awesome!

My wife on the other hand gets a sour stomach looking at a coaster, even though she is not going to ride it (and yes I still married her! lol)

All I can say is even though you may be a little scared in line you still ride. It shows you are willing to conquer your fears so I would say yes you are a true coaster fan. There is no one definition, if you enjoy them it doesn't matter about your apprehension in line, if you get off a coaster and are happy you went on it then that is all that matters.
Personally I wish I still had a nervous feeling when waiting in line. It makes it that much more adventurous. The only feeling I get now is a big adrenaline rush when waiting for a coaster I have never ridden before. (Basically that means when I visit CP for the first time this summer I will have adrenaline oooooozing from me.
Thanks, I do feel good on the ride and then when I get off its just a rush! I know I enjoy them and I even enjoy the fear of waiting in line, but I still think it just nerves.
I was nervous in line for Magnum last year (the first time I rode it), but then during the ride and after I felt GREAT!!! I think it was honestly the largest rush I ever had and I will never forgit it! I think though if I didnt worry in line it wouldnt of been so great.
Coast, it's hard to explain, when I am standing in line, getting ready to board I get this feeling in my stomach, and then I get all hyped up, a smile runs across my face as we are climbing the lift and I just know that I have to be there, riding that coaster at that particular time. It's an absolute rush to me

sounds corny but that's the only way I know how to describe it. :-) *** This post was edited by screechnowl on 4/21/2000. ***
I'm so adjusted to riding the coasters that it doesn't phase me anymore. Kinda like riding in a car. I could literally be sleeping and I still wouldn't feel a rush. However by the looks of this new coaster it could all change.
Jeff's avatar
I get a little nervous on new big coasters. I still get that funny feeling up my spine the first time on a new coaster. Last weekend at Kennywood I got that feeling on Steel Phantom, but not on the smaller woodies.

MF will make me scream like a little girl. Heck, I was already nervous when I toured the site. Does that make me less of a coaster fan? I think not.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
It's one big adrenaline rush.
The only coasters I really get a nervous feeling from is the new ones, especially, if they're big and prototype. I almost cried in the Exterminator ride at Kennywood! There needs to be more rides like this in the U.S.
Well seeing as this is only my second year as a coaster fan I will be nervous on new coasters. riding raptor, mantis, PT and magnum last year i had that funny nervous feeling in my stomach, & sweaty hands. Also the 'what am i doing' thoghts. And yes indeed i know I will have them in line for MF (and going up the lift). but knowing that after the lift on all the other rides I loved every aspect of all those rides I know that i will love MF too. So when your in the MF line you will be able to point me out by just looking at the scared face and puddles of sweat on the ground. To me it makes it just that much more of an accomplishment.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
The feeling you may get while in line for a new coaster is genuine. However when I start thinking about not riding is dangerous. The only coasters that have ever caused that felling for me are Mantis and Steel Phantom. Sometimes it annoys me when people go to cedar point once a year and never think about coasters the rest of the year. In my opinion that is the only person who is not a true coaster fan.

I think about riding coasters every day. :)
Certain rides may NOT be for you...
Waiting in line I'm always anxious and excited. I've only been a little nervous on the first few rides I've ever been on. Once I'm on I never shut up, I just scream and yell through the whole ride and give a big round of applause upon arrival at the station. After I've been on my first ride of the day, I'm full of adrenaline and pumped for my next ride.

-Mr. Clean
The only ride I get that gut feeling on is Power Tower. Standing in line isn't bad. And being raised up the turbo drop side isn't bad. But when it stops up at the top, the people look like ants, I can look straight down the fountains in the lagoon, and my stomach starts to get butterflies. Being stuck up there, I get this feeling that I shouldn't be there. And then when I drop, I get and adrenaline rush. The only time this didn't happen, was the FIRST time I went on it. Every other time, that feeling hasn't failed to creep up on me.
Standing in line, Im fine, some slight butterflys, just enough to get some slight adrenaline. In the station, more butterflys. On the ride, plenty of butterflys, its not the queesy ones...its the adrenaline one, lol. The most I get ever (other than probably MF this year) would be on Power Tower, with the Space shot, you just dont know when its gonna go. I LOVE IT!!!

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
The only coaster that still makes me nervous even after I've ridden it a bunch of times is Mantis. I guess I always wonder if I'll make it through the intense g-forces. I've never blacked out, but I heard other people have.
I got worried after riding the Mantis once. The friend I was riding with forgot to buckle the little strap and noticed this after we were through the ride!

Jeff Young
I remember riding Iron Dragon and the bar didn't lock correctly. I swear that thing was loose. Had to hold it down so it would not release.
Every time I ride a coaster, no many how many times I have rode it before, or even if its a new one, I get that "deer caught in headlights" feeling and panic the whole first drop, but after that, my hands are up and I am loving it!! Wish I didnt get that feeling all the time, hate it when your next in line to ride and you have to use the little girls room! I have had this all my life on coasters new or old, and probably will always have it!

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

A hint for those who don't get that "Oh my god, why the h*ll am i doing this" feeling. What happens if something went wrong?

Homer Simpson: Will you stop your spontaneous cussing?
Bart Simpson: Hell yeah.

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