I don't knnow if this counts as an element but the slapping of hand on Gemini is my favorite.
Live for FUN!
Ooooooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh!!!
Smack 'em into shape...
Personally I like the "Magnum Hill" on MF. Kick*****airtime on that thing! I also like the Cobra Roll on Raptor and the Magnum turnaround.
Kansan by birth; Cedar Point by desire; Zone 5/6 by the grace of God
Third hill on the MXL, to my grave!
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
The Cobra Roll on Raptor is my favorite, fallowed by the helix on mine ride.
"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!"
*** This post was edited by Elroy on 5/30/2001. ***
zero g roll on RAPTOR!
Whats life if you never get to the POINT?... BoRiNg!http://www.expage.com/cedarpointsanduskyohio