Fanny Packs

I was wondering if anyone knows if you can still bring fanny packs (those little packs that strap onto your waist) onto the coasters? I was wondering because I want to bring a Camera and my iPod to the park and I dont really want to put it into a locker.

Thanks for any information.

Cedar Point - An adventure waiting for everyone.

Yes you can bring them onto rides still.

Paid lockers to store items are available throughout the park, riders can leave items with non-riders or put loose items into a cargo packet or fanny pack that has a zipper, snap or fabric fastener, Edwards said.

That is from the "some things change at CP" here on Pointbuzz.

*** Edited 5/7/2005 10:22:42 PM UTC by Ary***

Goodbye 2005 season!!!!

Some fanny packs have pouches for water bottles. They won't let you ride TTD, MF, etc. with water bottles on the fanny packs (even if there are velcro straps or elastic holding them in place.) You'll need to "more securely fasten" (like zip inside a pocket) or store them.

Generally, any fanny pack will be OK as long as nothing can come loose.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

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