Family Ride?

e x i t english's avatar

I'd also like to point out that the reason it's called "project 2007", is because that is exactly what it is. There's no "hype" to that.

Indeed, most of the hype has been due to the enthusiasts and not the park. However, the fact that they have out-of-the-ordinary construction signs, even if they aren't meant to be playing on words, would infer the ride being in and of itself out of the ordinary.

And, of course, they are always looking for something new and of a magnitude never thought up before.

Anyone agree on this?

Oh, and the message on the 17th that said that a little birdie told them that something extra may be able to be spotted by taking the railroad. The day before vertical construction began.

e x i t english's avatar

topthrilldragster4lyf said:
even if they aren't meant to be playing on words, would infer the ride being in and of itself out of the ordinary.

Signs don't infer anything. They might imply something, but they would never, ever infer.

Okay, fine, imply. But, um, what's the difference exactly?

Yeah, I know! How dare they ever think of infering things!

*** Edited 7/24/2006 3:05:11 PM UTC by topthrilldragster4lyf***

JuggaLotus's avatar

I think he might have you Exit
in·fer Pronunciation Key (n-fûr)
v. in·ferred, in·fer·ring, in·fers
v. tr.

1. To conclude from evidence or premises.
2. To reason from circumstance; surmise: We can infer that his motive in publishing the diary was less than honorable.
3. To lead to as a consequence or conclusion: “Socrates argued that a statue inferred the existence of a sculptor” (Academy).
4. To hint; imply.

im·ply Pronunciation Key (m-pl)
tr.v. im·plied, im·ply·ing, im·plies

1. To involve by logical necessity; entail: Life implies growth and death.
2. To express or indicate indirectly: His tone implied disapproval. See Synonyms at suggest. See Usage Note at infer.
3. Obsolete. To entangle.

Goodbye MrScott


Ah ha! So what you're saying, Jugga, is that my statement is more correct than Exit's? Sweet!

JuggaLotus's avatar

No, just that infer means imply, so you could use them interchangeably. Yours wasn't more correct, just not as wrong as Exit thought.

Goodbye MrScott


That's what I meant. His said mine was incorrect, which was incorrect :)

djDaemon said:
Cedar Point hasn't hyped anything. They've just kept their mouths shut, and let the enthusiasts hype it.

The same was done for Skyhawk.

They may not have hyped anything like you said,but they didnt stop the media from 'hyping" the Project either. I remember opening day when Sky hawk opened, they spent more time on P2007 then they did on Skyhawk. That was letting the General Public know that somthing big is going to happen. So CP didnt have to do anything. But they didnt stop the media hype from happening either.

I love Monkeys! I love Monkeys!

djDaemon's avatar

Yeah, but that's not even remotely the same as CP hyping anything themselves.


JuggaLotus's avatar

If you've lived in this country for more than 5 minutes, you'll remember that companies (especially public ones) have zero control over the press.
The press were the ones who made up a story about the Cedar Fair offices moving from Sandusky to Charlotte because that's where the Paramount Parks offices are/were. No one from CP said anything about it, the press made it up and ran with it.

Goodbye MrScott


Why would Cedar Fair move? Their offices are at Cedar Point, correct? Isn't CP the "signature park" for CF? That sounds fishy and I haven't even seen the press about it.

e x i t english's avatar

Interesting. I always knew that you could infer from what something implies, but I was always taught that it wasn't universal.

I want a second opinion.

edit: checked and I guess you can use it that way. It's most commonly used the other way around, but apparently it is acceptable to use it to mean "imply" now.

Oh well, when I'm wrong I'll admit it. Doesn't happen much, though. ;)

*** Edited 7/24/2006 3:39:25 PM UTC by e x i t english***

JuggaLotus's avatar

This story started the rumor mill circulating.

This one just kinda caught the (non)"story" and ran with it.

There were several threads around the same time frame that also discussed the non-existent possibility of the offices moving. If I remember right, early this month, the mayor of Sandusky (not to be confused with the Mayor of Lighthouse Point or Mayor McCheese) sent a letter to the park asking them not to leave. It was kinda funny to follow.

*fix URL* *** Edited 7/24/2006 4:20:42 PM UTC by JuggaLotus***

Goodbye MrScott


What does this have to do with a family ride?

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