Extra weekend?

Looking at the website it looks like they have added an extra weekend to the season (without Sunday) making closing day now on Saturday 11/2

Cedar Point has gone into November before, but usually when 10/31 is on a Friday. Nice to have the extra days. Will take advantage.

I think now that they have added Thursday nights to the Halloweekend lineup it makes sense. It's just interesting they aren't doing the traditional closing Sunday.

Scott Cameron's avatar

Also interesting, they're not open on Thurs (Halloween) that week either. Nor does it appear reservations are available at the resorts.

Last edited by Scott Cameron,

Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Po!nt

It appears that now Hotel Breakers and the camp sites of Lighthouse Point (not the cottages or cabins) are available for booking the nights of 11/1 and 11/2.

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