
I was browsing through coaster net's gallery of CP when I came across a pic of Mean Streak. Check out the guy in the front seat in the black shirt. His expression is so funny. I wonder what he is thinking of the ride.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
he looks bored...


Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
That is Hilarious! Maybe its opening day in 1991 and he's thinking "I can't believe I just waited 4 hours in line for this ride!"
I'd find it hard to believe that he kept his arms folded like that the entire ride.
"Boy, this stinks.":)

Certain rides may NOT be for you...
While this idea is not original it will at least help the time pass for another day. (is it May yet?)
Take a look at the photo mentioned and then place a photo caption here. Remember this is a FAMILY SITE.
The only prizes award will be the satisfaction you receive from hearing everyone on-line laugh at your caption.
Good luck and be creative.
I think he was saying..."Boy, how did my wife get me to go on this"..
Jeff's avatar
"I'm not getting off until you buy me some cheeseonastick."

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
"I haven't had this much fun since that open-heart surgery last weekend."
Soo when's the good part?
"Honey did you pack me an extra pair of underwear?"
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.......What is it over yet? No, okay, wake me when it's over. ZZZZZZZZZZZ
"Compared to Jr. Gemini this is nothing."
"MAN I really wish I wouldn't have had that big-bean burrito"

Signature of the week: "Human Sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!" Pete Venkman
"Elbows... won't... budge!"
" I wonder what place I should go to that would have the fastest line, so I could get a beer, and get a real buzz!"
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

"Geez, This suppose to be the "MeanStreak", more like the "PipSqueak"!
I met a guy who rode gemini that way. after the ride I asked him why he did that and he said to enjoy the ride more. It has more of an effect on you he said. He also said the object is to be perfectly still the whole time. Ah ya i'll say it does, i crossed my arms my next time on gemini on the way down the hill and ya it makes the ride 10 times better if you like being banged back and forth into the the sides of the car. It does lift your stomach more. That was the last time i did that, i prefer hands up and screaming. after a few rides like that I would be dead. Now for his thoughts.

"I'm a real man now!!! ah honey can ya help me walk straight"

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
"I gotta get one of these for the kids."

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer
" MAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN, that damn Chihuahua ate my last Chalupa"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it just me or is this turning into another Mean Streak bashing topic? Is this ride really that bad or is everybody a steel coaster fanatic?

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