Explain the different coaster types...

What is a ta2k, CCI, hypercoaster, etc?  I love coasters, but I don't know all of the technical stuff.  How do you classify them?

(If there is another topis like this, then just link to it.  I tried searching but didn't find what I needed)

A hypercoaster is a coaster 200 feet or higher.  Example:  Magnum XL 200. 
A ta2k is a Thrust Air 2000


CCI = Custom Coasters International


*** This post was edited by StorminFox on 7/31/2001. ***

You´re wrong, here is a list as far as I know:

- Megacoaster, a coaster of 200 Ft or taller (magnum)

- Hypercoaster, a coaster from 300 Ft or taller (millenium force)

- Inverted, a coaster that the seats are underneat the track (raptor)

- Suspended, a swinging coaster (iron wolf)

- B&M, bolliger & mabbilard, designers of mantis and raptor.

If you have more questions, post them and i will try to answer them!!!



No, screammachinekid is right... a hypercoaster is over 200 feet

Millenium Force is a gigacoaster

ShiveringTim's avatar
Sorry modelmaker.  A hypercoaster is generally accepted as a coaster 200' or taller. Megacoaster is just Intamin's model name for their 200 footer.  Gigacoaster is their model name for their 300 footer (Millennium Force), but that will probably be accepted as the general term for a 300 footer.
Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie
Wasn't it Werner Stengle who designed Raptor, Mantis and MF.  B&M just manufactured them except Intamin for MF.  I would suggest GTTP's sistersite Jesserina


Look here and that should help alot. 

And one time at band camp - AP
And another time at band camp - AP2
Gemini 100
Its Dan K's fault

thanks for the link, but WS has never worked with B&M, he had mailed me that he has never been saked to design or calculate a B&M coaster, he would like to but....

I will check up some names and discription. Ive got may more. Do you want to know all the systems or only the names of the coasters?


Semisionc - closing time

Closing time... Every new begining starts with som other beginnings end

A good site to find out techinal info that isn't just limited to Cedar Point is GTTP's sister site www.coasterbuzz.com .
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
modelmaker, when you described a suspended coaster, it's Iron Dragon, not Iron Wolf, at least for the one at CP. Maybe you're talking about a coaster at another park, but I just wanted to clear it up. :)
Thanks everyone! :)

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