(If there is another topis like this, then just link to it. I tried searching but didn't find what I needed)
CCI = Custom Coasters International
*** This post was edited by StorminFox on 7/31/2001. ***
- Megacoaster, a coaster of 200 Ft or taller (magnum)
- Hypercoaster, a coaster from 300 Ft or taller (millenium force)
- Inverted, a coaster that the seats are underneat the track (raptor)
- Suspended, a swinging coaster (iron wolf)
- B&M, bolliger & mabbilard, designers of mantis and raptor.
If you have more questions, post them and i will try to answer them!!!
Look here and that should help alot.
And one time at band camp - AP
And another time at band camp - AP2
Gemini 100
Its Dan K's fault
I will check up some names and discription. Ive got may more. Do you want to know all the systems or only the names of the coasters?
Semisionc - closing time
Closing time... Every new begining starts with som other beginnings end
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