yes, even more pics have been posted on the official site! 6 more, in addition to the other 3 already today! they're so awesome, check them out! I love how CP keeps their site up to date all the time
I like how CP has a weekly (Sometimes daily) updating schedule. PKI and SFO's sites are horrible at updating.
Homer Simpson: Will you stop your spontaneous cussing?
Bart Simpson: Hell yeah.
DDogg you got that right! LOL
9 pics in one day has got to be a record for MF's construction. And they're all of awesome quality, bravo CP!
Perhaps they saw the other photos and had a few tricks of their own.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Those pics are sweet. I was suprised how they made Lake Erie look all clear and stuff. (like I tell ignorant people....ITS MUDDY NOT POLUTED!!..same for maumee river) Some of those pics are just like..whoa...hmm...looks like I have new wallpaper for my
"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
You know you're really high up there when you can see the bottom of the lake. Lol! Awesome Pics. My favorite one out of those new ones is "cedarpoint_to_causeway.jpg" That one really gives a great perspective of just how big that damn ride is. It is now decorating my desktop also. Good call somewhatchewy.
Try... not... to... be... afraid.... What I am trying to say is, THAT THING IS TALL!!! Thank you CP, great pics!
Yeah Baby!!!
I just showed my drafting clss the STRAIGHT DOWN picture and they we stunned. My teack got out an adjustable traingle, set it to 80 degrees and said, "NOW THAT'S AN ENGINEERING MASTER PIECE!"
I just have one thing to say about those pics: I cried I was so filled with joy. I can't wait to ride on June 2nd for CoasterMania! I will be there at 7 AM in line, you bet your bottom dollar. This will be one hell of a coaster.