You don't have to be an ACE member, any coaster club will do. Each coaster club member can buy up to 4 tickets (so each member can bring 3 nonmembers). In other words, you don't even need to belong to a club as long as you know someone who does.
You do not need to be present in the morning -- tickets are on sale from 6:30am to 5pm -- but I suggest doing so to take advantage of the morning ERTs.
The line in the morning last year was pretty long, although I got to bypass it because a CP employee was walking down the line with a bag of buttons, saying "Season Passholders, you don't need to actually BUY a ticket, show me your pass and club card and I'll give you a button..." If I'd had anyone with me that wasn't a season passholder, though, I'd have had to wait...
--Greg MF count: 27
*** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 3/4/2001. ***