ERT--How long are lines?

I just got my info for CoasterMania and was wondering about how many people show up for this event? Is the park mobbed? About how long do you wait during ERT? This will be my first event and I don't know what to expect. Thanks for your input.
Those are some questions I'd like to know to. Reading from Spirit of the Point, there was 2700 people last year.

That's all I know.

~Eric L.~
The lines during ERT depends on the ride and what other rides ERT is on at the same time. Last year Raptor was a walk on but that was because at the same time Millennium Force had a 1 and a half hour wait. *** This post was edited by Andrew on 3/3/2001. ***
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
ERT should be much better this year with the lineup they have..especially with Maggy nad Millie cancelling each othe out and both competing for riders..That should really even out ert lines..The Morning Lineup of Raptor, Mantis, and BS will we pretty evenly dispersed as well...

Last year was pretty bad with maggy and Millie each at different times..It really was a headache and more like EWT...

Hope you have a fun 1st Coastermania

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Actually, I just thought of "ERT" last year as meaning "Extended Ride Time" instead of "Exclusive Ride Time" -- we were in the park outside of normal operating hours and getting an occasional ride in ;)

MF count: 27
Is it required that you

a) are an ACE member
b) You are present in the morning
Check out the Question About CoasterMania 2001 posted by mwatts3 in this forum. All your questions are answered there.

Is there a long line in the morning to get buttons for ERT? Are only button holders allowed in the park before opening? I have 4 kids that are not button holders. Will they be allowed in?

Thanks for your replies. You have all been a big help!
You don't have to be an ACE member, any coaster club will do. Each coaster club member can buy up to 4 tickets (so each member can bring 3 nonmembers). In other words, you don't even need to belong to a club as long as you know someone who does.

You do not need to be present in the morning -- tickets are on sale from 6:30am to 5pm -- but I suggest doing so to take advantage of the morning ERTs.

The line in the morning last year was pretty long, although I got to bypass it because a CP employee was walking down the line with a bag of buttons, saying "Season Passholders, you don't need to actually BUY a ticket, show me your pass and club card and I'll give you a button..." If I'd had anyone with me that wasn't a season passholder, though, I'd have had to wait...

MF count: 27 *** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 3/4/2001. ***

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