My comment is, just enjoy the rides for what they are. Not every ride can be a Millenium Force, but each and every ride has a certain flavor to it, so enjoy that flavor. If every ride were like Millenium Force, then Cedar Point would sure be boring.
-Matthew Couts
RCT Recreations:
1.Cedar Point (vote best CP Recreation ever)
2.Kings Island
Gone antiqueing
*** This post was edited by Taurus8376 on 8/26/2001. ***
I've learned to use constructive criticism. I can always have something good to say about any ride,no matter how bad it is.
MF count: 20
But with them on...oh, my. My sister called it a Sky Ride on steroids, and I'd have to agree.
If there's bugs on your shirt, you had a good ride.
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