dream job

My dream job is to be apart of  Millennium Force Crew.! How 'bout U?

*** This post was edited by MiLlEnNiUmGuRl on 7/31/2001. ***

My dream job would be on the Iron Dragon crew. Which I plan to do someday!
2001 MF Count: 0
1. Iron Dragon
2. Raptor
3. Gemini
4. Magnum
5. Demon Drop
My dream job would have been designing or building Millennium Force one way or another.
My dream job is either designing coasters, or inspecting MF everyday.  It would just be awsome to walk the track.
Something is coming in 2002
Walking the drop would hurt I would think ;)
Next trip to CP on August 25th - 26th!
i would love to design any major coaster for cedar point!! lol im already addicted to designing coasters on RCT...
"This is better than orgasm." ~Effie, Road Rules 2 on MTV
  Raptor Crew!!
Raptor crew is an awesome one to be on ! I enjoy it myself.
Wildcat Crew 99
Blue Streak Crew 00
Raptor Crew 01
Just watch out for flying beer in the Garter

*** This post was edited by wildcatadam on 8/5/2001. ***

LuvRaptor's avatar
Working on the Raptor crew (or just CP in general) IS my dream job, and am thrilled that this Fall will be my 2nd season. I can't believe I'll be processing in soon!

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??

I would love to create the software and control systems for roller coasters. Too bad Consign isn't exactly near where I live...
Yeah, they are all the way over in MD.  Well if you would work for them, I can tell you about the nice cheap flights into Cleveland. 

As for my dream job, well we'll see where I am in a few years.

I really should be working...

Yey for CD's!

Doing control systems seems to be the new "dream job" when it comes to wanting to work in the industry, I'm hearing it a lot more than I ever did in the past. Probably because they're becoming more high profile and playing a much bigger part than they did back in the day. Bet the job is a LOT harder and tiring than it appears to be, you know? Brian, what would you know about flying into Cleveland? :)
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*

*** This post was edited by CP Irvine on 8/8/2001. ***

I am majoring in CS though. I don't think that would put me anywhere near that job though; CE and EE is what's needed.
True true on that one. But like I said, I don't think it's quite as glamourous and fun all the time as it may seem, plus it seems as if a lot of the people working in it aren't even into coasters. Lots of long, long hours and stress headaches in that field...definitely not for everyone. But I still admire the people who do have the guts for it :-)
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
Hey, who said anything about glamourous and fun?  :) That's the type of thing that I want to be doing anyways, coasters or no..
Well if you find that part of coasters to be the part to drool over, there you go! So why do you want to work at Consign, what's the big deal about them? Why not in a park?
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
Anne, probably because (I am pretty sure on this)  Consign designs the control systems for all the B&M coasters.  That way he could go to some parks that are getting a B&M, set up the system and take a few test rides.

This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!
Gemini 100
Its Dan K's fault

Because the park hires those outside companies to make the control systems. In a park I suppose I could be a ride mechanic, except for the fact that I’m the most mechanically inept person that I know :)
Hey JM, coasters run on computers, don't they?  Coaster design companies have computers don't they?  Just because you can't do the engineering of the ride doesn't mean you can't be involved!  Believe me, I checked into it.  I have an IS degree, I tried to find a coaster company to work for.  I ran out of time and money, so I needed a job, so I stopped looking.  There's always the future.  I'm still thinking of sending my resume to Cedar Fair or maybe even CCI, since they're right up the street from where I live!

Isn't Disney World a people trap run by a mouse?

MF 2K1: 4
MF life: 12

Yep, rides do have computers and software. It seems like at this point, the people writing the software are also doing the hardware, hence the degree in CE or EE, which isn't quite my plan at this point. I'm sure that there are many ways to get involved in the industry by writing software though. 3-D VR employee training, anyone? :)

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