

I just woke up from this bazare dream, I was at CP and it was sooo rustic, like it was abandond (SP?) and every ride was old and rusted except for MF which was a kiddie coaster! I rode it and it was sooo slow but was still 310ft! Just thought I'd post my weird dream to see how much I actually think about this coaster.

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
"Dont post if there is nothing to post about"
*** This post was edited by coast on 4/28/2000. ***


I once had a dream of standing in line for MF and I just dreamt about that all night. Right before I got to the station, my mom woke my up. Boy was I mad!


Jeff's avatar
It's just flat out sick how many people have had dreams about this thing. (Or perhaps there's just something wrong with the people I know.) My fiancee is still in the lead in the dream count with 10 over my 7. In any case, her last one had her operating a crane at the site, and she tagged the lift and broke it. For some reason, there were already people in the queue and they all started yelling at her. Weird.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"


Although I haven't kept an exact count I have had about 5 or more weird dreams about Millennium Force this winter, and not all of them were good. Makes me wonder...

Brandon Sorc

Jeffrey Spartan

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I thought I was the only starnge one who dreamed about MF..LOL..nice to know I'm among fellow freaks..:)

Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
MSU National Champs 2000


As they were building it, I would have construction dreams, where I was swimming in Sandusky Bay. The construction workers would ask me to help them out because one of the supports was in the water. I swam and swam, but I couldn't help them...

The other night, I had one where I rode it. I remember the first part being awsome, but half way through, it got really boring.(Mean Streak?) After I got off, I wanted to ride again to see if it would be any better the second time around, but I never got a chance to.

Speaking about dreams, I had similar ones when the Mantis was being built, except the track white! I also remember holding on for dear life while riding it in my dreams, becuase the restraints would malfunction.
(sorry so long)
MF....taking thrills to new heights!


I only had one dream about it. It was i was riding it and the last peice of it wasent put on yet. They were trying to get it on as fast as they could before the train got there. i remember biteing my nales while on it. i was so nervous about them getting it on in time that i dident even pay attention the the ride. When i finallygot close to that part they dident have it on in time but as i flew off the track i woke up.
LET ME OFF HERE!!!!!;) *** This post was edited by NOFXRULZ on 4/29/2000. ***


It's scary how dreams cut off just in time. My dream was that I was the first one to ever ride it and just before I crested over the hill I got woke up. It was just as scary in the dream as it probably will be in real life.



Man, I had a weird dream the other night...

I went to CP for the first time of the season, and I guess that they had just re-tracked (or somehow re-done) Mean Streak, and I was watching it's first run, and it looked like it was really going fast around the turns. I stopped to get a better look, and all of the sudden it went flying off the tracks. It smashed into the ground, and then I woke up...


Except in real life you'd better be ready because you would be ABLE to wake up! LOL!:)


I have only had one MF dream. a few months ago. all i remember is it was in our backyard (oh yeah) and basically we were all in a old VW bus we drove into the station then quickly rode up the lift. I remember descending down the hill in the VW by opening up the window sticking my head out and screaming "boy wait till the GTTP members hear about my first ride on MF." then I woke up and realized it was a dream, found out i still had to wait till may13th, got mad, and went to bed. (R.O.S.)

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!

a bunch of spelling problems
*** This post was edited by Hooper on 4/29/2000. *** *** This post was edited by Hooper on 4/29/2000. ***


coast my dream was similar. i didn't see cp at all but we were on MF and it was 310 feet tall but at the bottom of every hill we had to get out and push the train up the next hill so i went really really slow. Man that was a weird dream

magnum of MF now that is a real question.


I had a dream that a big storm hit Sandusky Bay at night, then I dialed up the webcam that next day found teh image showing the lift hill demolished and workers standing around scratching their heads

Brian Z.
13 days until The Force


OOH! I had a dream last night (I just woke up 20 minutes ago). Me and my brother were about to ride MF. After all the queue lines you go through a checkout line like in Kmart. If you didnt' want to buy anything you start climbing up the hill on foot. You then pick a seat mid hill and get it. The trains were like 8 seats acrost and there were about 20 rows. They were soft seats that you would find in a movie theater. Then the ride starts and the seats break into groups of two and ride the coaster. It was slower than I expected.. IT was really weird.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."

Feel the force

I had a dream where i was riding MF and I flew out and I got that weird feeling when you fall from big hights

Not long any more just 12 days


Funny, I had a dream just last night that I went up to CP, and couldn't find MF!! I even had to hop aboard Space Sprial to see if I could find it!!

Heck, I still can't seem to get over the crest of that hill!!!

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000


Hmmm, my latest dream which occurred late last night was quite strange as usual. In order to ride MF, you had to ride PE through the white water section of the lagoons, swing on tarzan vines over a pit of spikes, and then go through a circus tent where an old lady would tell you if you would tell you if you would survive MF or not. Then you proceed to the boarding station which was strangely 100 ft high with no walls or anything--lots of steps. I boarded and then half way through the ride, the car jumps over a a gap in the track and starts flying around inverting itslef as if it would like to truly go upside down. At this point, I notice that the peninsula is now located on a clif high above lake Erie due to movement of tectonic plates. Thankfully, at this point I woke up, because it would've definitely gotten alot weirder.

-Dave Kochman


Oh, afterthought: Reading through these posts, it seems that many people dream about rollercoasters jumping track, flying around, and/or crashing into banana sheds. Interesting.

-Dave Kochman


My sister had a dream that I was riding the MF and it was a slide! she said there were a bunch of little kids riding on it and there was another slide that was up into outer space and that was all cp had! weird!
oh don't worry, the first hill isn't all that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd!!!!!


Last night I had a dream, after riding the Raptor me and a friend headed over to the Millenium Force, I got in line and was surprised that it wasn't that long of a wait, it was a big que, but not that many people. I remember looking up at the first hill and being amazed by its hieght. After being in line for about 20 minutes I started to wake up and was pretty mad. I can't wait for the real thing!

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