CP 2K3: 13
"What are you, a dentist? Or a hippie? Or some kind of hippie dentist?" - Strongbad
Millennium Force Laps-116
**Vertigo Launches-21**
Dragster Launches-7
I've got a disease, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
0-107 MPH in 1.8 seconds
Cedar Point here I come
~!~Augest 3~!~
*** This post was edited by riordan11688 7/31/2003 8:58:20 PM ***
I've never had this happen to me before, but it was really diffrent, all of a sudden I got this light headed dizzy feeling, and my entire field of vision started to fade (no i didn't blink), then inbetween the 2 loops i started to regain it only to lose it again during the second loop.
I was wondering if anything like his has happened to people on old Arrow multi-loopers, or even any of the new B&M looping coasters. Thanks for your feedback.:)
Can't wait to be at the Point!
2003 coaster count:54
:Top Thrills: *2003*
"Yellow,Yellow,Yellow,Green" AHHH
Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription... is more cowbell!
It's a Wierd feeling and its awesome... I like it :)
TTD: 4 (Rollbacks seen: 24)
MF: 18
WT: 8
"C'mon, get off the rails guys, listen to the guy with the Disaster Transport uniform on!"
Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription... is more cowbell!
johnz said:
its weird, i went back and was reading the earlier posts, and a lot of people are talking about how your first time was just a blur, yet i still remember mine very vividly. anyone else with me?
I'm with ya, I can still remember every little detail of my first ride on TTD, but the more and more I ride it, the more and more detail I can add, such as looking around the park and seeing certain things from 420 feet in the air.
Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription... is more cowbell!
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