An out and back Intamin hyperwoodie that would break the height, length, speed, steepest drop on a woodie, most total airtime and the most tunnels(at least FIVE)!
I have heard that CP doesn't have a space problem but huge woodies takes up tons of land and I hope they can build like a L-shaped perimeter(surrrounding the edges of the park) out and back Intamin hyperwoodie. Can CP fit one of these in if they wanted to without having to remove any rides or attractions? I am talking >220 feet tall and >7400-7500 feet long here.
With all the rumors that CP have problems with Mean Streak and maintenence work I am afraid that CP wouldn't want to build a world class woodie and keep it that way BUT is there any chance that if Heide Park's new Colossos woodie remains a sucess would CP be afraid be build something of that size(or bigger)from Intamin of course and if they were willing to build one would they be afaid to keep it running that way? CF parks has a bad history of ruining some of their coasters with trim brakes like Mean Streak, High Roller(@VF)and Wild Thing(@VF)! THe only CF woodies that I've know of without trims are Ghostrider and Blue Streak! I have heard rumors that Ceder Point doesn;t like woodies because of maintenence! I hope I am wrong and that CP wouldn't be afaid to build an Intamin hyperwoodie!
I think most of us here would rather have a CCI or GCI.
Chris G,
who worships the Lemon Chill guy
I'd be happy with a CCI like Shivering Timbers but CP is a park that likes to break records when possible.
I agree with Majin Heero, I would like to see them get a GCI twister.
#1 Steel-Montu #1 Wood-Roar #1 Park-Cedar Point
True, Pink Floyd, but I could see CP putting in a small twist woodie that does not break any records...thought it would be unusual..
mikey :)
Why would you want a hyper-woodie? IMO, PKI made the mistake of building SoB with a 218 foot lift and that reaches speeds of up to 78mph. I can honestly say that SoB is the worst coaster that I have ever been on. Wood coasters tend to have major problems down the road when you start going above 100 feet or so. In the case of SoB, they have had problems from day one, and as I understand, they still do. So I don't think that CP needs a huge wooden coaster just to break a few world records. With wooden coasters, bigger isn't always better.
I'd rather have a CCI than any other ride available.
Live for FUN!
I'll take a coaster like Ghostrider if I can get it. That thing beats the pants off of some hyperwoodie any day.
Joe McNally
MF Count - 14
Got Questions?
Also, why cut the other half of the rain forest down?
You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
Its fun to make Sting mad
It seems as though Intamin may have solved the giant woody problem though with this one...they use different wheels, and the track looks to have a little more steel involved than on a normal woodie. maybe?
Intamin changed the track with their hyper woodie. Instead of having the track sitting on laminated wood, it sets on a steel beam. I'm not sure how this helps, but people have said it is smooth for such a fast wooden coaster.
That is why I want an Intamin(NOT RCCA)hyperwoodie because I think they have fixed the problem(s) with giant woodies!!